//# AsdmStMan.h: Storage Manager for the main table of a raw ASDM casacore::MS //# Copyright (C) 2012 //# Associated Universities, Inc. Washington DC, USA. //# (c) European Southern Observatory, 2012 //# Copyright by ESO (in the framework of the ALMA collaboration) //# //# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it //# under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by //# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your //# option) any later version. //# //# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT //# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or //# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public //# License for more details. //# //# You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License //# along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, //# Inc., 675 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. //# //# Correspondence concerning AIPS++ should be addressed as follows: //# Internet email: aips2-request@nrao.edu. //# Postal address: AIPS++ Project Office //# National Radio Astronomy Observatory //# 520 Edgemont Road //# Charlottesville, VA 22903-2475 USA //# //# $Id: AsdmStMan.h 18108 2011-05-27 07:52:39Z broekema $ #ifndef ASDM_ASDMSTMAN_H #define ASDM_ASDMSTMAN_H //# Includes #include <asdmstman/AsdmIndex.h> #include <casacore/tables/DataMan/DataManager.h> #include <casacore/casa/IO/FiledesIO.h> #include <casacore/casa/Containers/Block.h> #include <casacore/casa/Containers/Record.h> namespace casa { //# Forward Declarations. class AsdmColumn; // <summary> // The Storage Manager for the main table of a raw ASDM casacore::MS // </summary> // <use visibility=export> // <reviewed reviewer="UNKNOWN" date="before2004/08/25" tests="tAsdmStMan.cc"> // </reviewed> // <prerequisite> //# Classes you should understand before using this one. // <li> The casacore::Table casacore::Data Managers concept as described in module file // <linkto module="Tables:Data Managers">Tables.h</linkto> // </prerequisite> // <etymology> // AsdmStMan is the data manager which stores the data for a ASDM MS. // </etymology> // <synopsis> // AsdmStMan is a specific storage manager for the main table of a ASDM MS. // For performance purposes the raw data from the correlator is directly // written to a disk file. However, to be able to use the data directly as a // casacore::MeasurementSet, this specific storage manager is created offering access to // all mandatory columns in the main table of the MS. // // Similar to other storage managers, the AsdmStMan files need to be part of // the table directory. There are two files: // <ul> // <li> The meta file contains the meta data describing baselines, start time, // integration time, etc. It needs to be written as an casacore::AipsIO file. // The meta info should also tell the endianness of the data file. // <li> The data file consists of NSEQ data blocks each containing: // <ul> // <li> 4-byte sequence number defining the time stamp. // <li> casacore::Complex data with shape [npol,nchan,nbasel]. // <li> Unsigned short nr of samples used in each data point. It has shape // [nchan,nbasel]. It defines WEIGHT_SPECTRUM and FLAG. // <li> Filler bytes to align the blocks as given in the meta info. // </ul> // The sequence numbers are ascending, but there can be holes due to // missing time stamps. // </ul> // The first versions of the data file can only handle regularly shaped data // with equal integration times. A future version might be able to deal with // varying integration times (depending on baseline length). // // Most of the casacore::MS columns (like DATA_DESC_ID) are not stored in the data file; // usually they map to the value 0. This is also true for the UVW column, so // the UVW coordinates need to be added to the table in a separate step because // the online system does not have the resources to do it. // // All columns are readonly with the exception of DATA. // </synopsis> // <motivation> // The common casacore::Table storage managers are too slow for the possibly high // output rate of the ASDM correlator. // </motivation> // <example> // The following example shows how to create a table and how to attach // the storage manager to some columns. // <srcblock> // casacore::SetupNewTable newtab("name.data", tableDesc, casacore::Table::New); // AsdmStMan stman; // define storage manager // newtab.bindColumn ("DATA", stman); // bind column to st.man. // newtab.bindColumn ("FLAG", stman); // bind column to st.man. // casacore::Table tab(newtab); // actually create table // </srcblock> // </example> //# <todo asof="$DATE:$"> //# A casacore::List of bugs, limitations, extensions or planned refinements. //# </todo> class AsdmStMan : public casacore::DataManager { public: // Create a Asdm storage manager with the given name. // If no name is used, it is set to "AsdmStMan" explicit AsdmStMan (const casacore::String& dataManagerName = "AsdmStMan"); // Create a Asdm storage manager with the given name. // The specifications are part of the record (as created by dataManagerSpec). AsdmStMan (const casacore::String& dataManagerName, const casacore::Record& spec); ~AsdmStMan(); // Clone this object. virtual casacore::DataManager* clone() const; // Get the type name of the data manager (i.e. AsdmStMan). virtual casacore::String dataManagerType() const; // Get the name given to the storage manager (in the constructor). virtual casacore::String dataManagerName() const; // casacore::Record a record containing data manager specifications. virtual casacore::Record dataManagerSpec() const; // Is this a regular storage manager? // It is regular if it allows addition of rows and writing dara in them. // <br>We need to return false here. virtual casacore::Bool isRegular() const; // The storage manager can add rows, but does nothing. virtual casacore::Bool canAddRow() const; // The storage manager cannot delete rows. virtual casacore::Bool canRemoveRow() const; // The storage manager can add columns, which does not really do something. virtual casacore::Bool canAddColumn() const; // Columns can be removed, but it does not do anything at all. virtual casacore::Bool canRemoveColumn() const; // Make the object from the type name string. // This function gets registered in the casacore::DataManager "constructor" map. // The caller has to delete the object. static casacore::DataManager* makeObject (const casacore::String& aDataManType, const casacore::Record& spec); // Register the class name and the static makeObject "constructor". // This will make the engine known to the table system. static void registerClass(); // Get the data shape. casacore::IPosition getShape (casacore::uInt rownr); // Get data. void getData (casacore::uInt rownr, casacore::Complex* buf); // Get float data void getData (casacore::uInt rownr, casacore::Float* buf); casacore::uInt getAsdmStManVersion() const { return itsVersion; } // access the references to the ASDM BDFs void getBDFNames(casacore::Block<casacore::String>& bDFNames); // overwrite the BDFNames (casacore::Block needs to have same size as original, // returns false otherwise) casacore::Bool setBDFNames(casacore::Block<casacore::String>& bDFNames); // overwrite the index with the information presently stored in the // data manager void writeIndex(); private: // Copy constructor cannot be used. AsdmStMan (const AsdmStMan& that); // Assignment cannot be used. AsdmStMan& operator= (const AsdmStMan& that); // Flush and optionally fsync the data. // It does nothing, and returns false. virtual casacore::Bool flush (casacore::AipsIO&, casacore::Bool doFsync); // Let the storage manager create files as needed for a new table. // This allows a column with an indirect array to create its file. virtual void create (casacore::uInt nrrow); // Open the storage manager file for an existing table. virtual void open (casacore::uInt nrrow, casacore::AipsIO&); //# should never be called // Prepare the columns (needed for UvwColumn). virtual void prepare(); // Resync the storage manager with the new file contents. // It does nothing. virtual void resync (casacore::uInt nrrow); // Reopen the storage manager files for read/write. // It does nothing. virtual void reopenRW(); // The data manager will be deleted (because all its columns are // requested to be deleted). // So clean up the things needed (e.g. delete files). virtual void deleteManager(); // Add rows to the storage manager. // It cannot do it, so it does nothing. // This function will be called, because this storage manager is not the // only one used in an ASDM MS. virtual void addRow (casacore::uInt nrrow); // Delete a row from all columns. // It cannot do it, so throws an exception. virtual void removeRow (casacore::uInt rowNr); // Do the final addition of a column. // It won't do anything. virtual void addColumn (casacore::DataManagerColumn*); // Remove a column from the data file. // It won't do anything. virtual void removeColumn (casacore::DataManagerColumn*); // Create a column in the storage manager on behalf of a table column. // The caller has to delete the newly created object. // <group> // Create a scalar column. virtual casacore::DataManagerColumn* makeScalarColumn (const casacore::String& aName, int aDataType, const casacore::String& aDataTypeID); // Create a direct array column. virtual casacore::DataManagerColumn* makeDirArrColumn (const casacore::String& aName, int aDataType, const casacore::String& aDataTypeID); // Create an indirect array column. virtual casacore::DataManagerColumn* makeIndArrColumn (const casacore::String& aName, int aDataType, const casacore::String& aDataTypeID); // </group> // Initialize by reading the index file and opening the BDFs. void init(); // Close the currently open BDF file. void closeBDF(); // Return the entry number in the index containing the row. casacore::uInt searchIndex (casacore::Int64 rownr); // Return the index block containing the row. // It sets itsIndexEntry to that block. const AsdmIndex& findIndex (casacore::Int64 rownr); // Get data from the buffer. // <group> void getShort (const AsdmIndex&, casacore::Complex* buf, casacore::uInt bl, casacore::uInt spw); void getInt (const AsdmIndex&, casacore::Complex* buf, casacore::uInt bl, casacore::uInt spw); void getFloat (const AsdmIndex&, casacore::Complex* buf, casacore::uInt bl, casacore::uInt spw); void getAuto (const AsdmIndex&, casacore::Complex* buf, casacore::uInt bl); void getAuto (const AsdmIndex&, casacore::Float* buf, casacore::uInt bl); // </group> // set transposeBLNum_v void setTransposeBLNum(casacore::uInt nBl); //# Declare member variables. // Name of data manager. casacore::String itsDataManName; // The column objects. std::vector<AsdmColumn*> itsColumns; casacore::Block<casacore::String> itsBDFNames; casacore::FiledesIO* itsBDF; int itsFD; int itsOpenBDF; casacore::Int64 itsFileOffset; casacore::Bool itsDoSwap; //# true = byte-swapping is needed casacore::Record itsSpec; //# casacore::Data manager properties casacore::uInt itsVersion; //# Version of AsdmStMan casacore::MeasurementSet //# Fields to keep track of last block accessed. casacore::Int64 itsStartRow; //# First row of data block casacore::Int64 itsEndRow; //# First row of next data block casacore::uInt itsIndexEntry; //# Index entry number of current data block std::vector<char> itsData; std::vector<AsdmIndex> itsIndex; std::vector<casacore::Int64> itsIndexRows; casacore::uInt itsNBl; std::vector<casacore::uInt> itsTransposeBLNum_v; }; } //# end namespace #endif