// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* CalStatsFIT.cc Description: ------------ This file contains member functions for the nested CalStatsFitter::FIT class. Classes: -------- CalStatsFitter::FIT - This nested class contains the fit for the CalStatsFitter class. Modification history: --------------------- 2011 Dec 23 - Nick Elias, NRAO Initial version. */ // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Includes // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include <calanalysis/CalAnalysis/CalStatsFitter.h> // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Start of casa namespace // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- using namespace casacore; namespace casa { // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Start of CalStatsFitter::FIT nested class // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* CalStatsFitter::FIT Description: ------------ This nested class contains the fit for the CalStatsFitter class. Class public member functions: ------------------------------ FIT - This constructor is the default that initializes variables. FIT - This construtor copies the input instance to the present instance. ~FIT - This destructor destroys the instance. operator= - This function sets one instance to another. Modification history: --------------------- 2011 Dec 23 - Nick Elias, NRAO Initial version containing FIT() (default), FIT() (copy), ~FIT(), and operator=(). */ // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Start of CalStatsFitter::FIT public member functions // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* CalStatsFitter::FIT::FIT (default) Description: ------------ This constructor is the default that initializes variables. Inputs: ------- None. Outputs: -------- None. Modification history: --------------------- 2011 Dec 23 - Nick Elias, NRAO Initial version. */ // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CalStatsFitter::FIT::FIT( void ) { // Initialize the public variables and return eOrder = CalStatsFitter::ORDER_INIT; eType = CalStatsFitter::TYPE_INIT; eWeight = CalStatsFitter::WEIGHT_INIT; bValid = false; oPars = Vector<Double>(); oCovars = Matrix<Double>(); oModel = Vector<Double>(); oRes = Vector<Double>(); dResVar = 0.0; dResMean = 0.0; dRedChi2 = 0.0; return; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* CalStatsFitter::FIT::FIT (copy) Description: ------------ This construtor copies the input instance to the present instance. Inputs: ------- oFit - This reference to a CalStatsFitter::FIT instance contains the fit information. Outputs: -------- None. Modification history: --------------------- 2011 Dec 23 - Nick Elias, NRAO Initial version. */ // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CalStatsFitter::FIT::FIT( const CalStatsFitter::FIT& oFit ) { // Copy the public variables from the input instance to this instance and // return eOrder = oFit.eOrder; eType = oFit.eType; eWeight = oFit.eWeight; bValid = oFit.bValid; oPars = Vector<Double>( oFit.oPars.copy() ); oCovars = Matrix<Double>( oFit.oCovars.copy() ); oModel = Vector<Double>( oFit.oModel.copy() ); oRes = Vector<Double>( oFit.oRes.copy() ); dResVar = oFit.dResVar; dResMean = oFit.dResMean; dRedChi2 = oFit.dRedChi2; return; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* CalStatsFitter::FIT::~FIT Description: ------------ This destructor destroys the instance. Inputs: ------- None. Outputs: -------- None. Modification history: --------------------- 2011 Dec 23 - Nick Elias, NRAO Initial version. */ // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CalStatsFitter::FIT::~FIT( void ) {} // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* CalStatsFitter::FIT::operator= Description: ------------ This function sets one instance to another. Inputs: ------- oFit - This reference to a CalStatsFitter::FIT instance contains the fit information. Outputs: -------- None. Modification history: --------------------- 2011 Dec 23 - Nick Elias, NRAO Initial version. */ // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CalStatsFitter::FIT& CalStatsFitter::FIT::operator=( const CalStatsFitter::FIT& oFit ) { // If this instance is not the same as the input instance, copy the public // variables to this one and return if ( this != &oFit ) { eOrder = oFit.eOrder; eType = oFit.eType; eWeight = oFit.eWeight; bValid = oFit.bValid; oPars = Vector<Double>( oFit.oPars.copy() ); oCovars = Matrix<Double>( oFit.oCovars.copy() ); oModel = Vector<Double>( oFit.oModel.copy() ); oRes = Vector<Double>( oFit.oRes.copy() ); dResVar = oFit.dResVar; dResMean = oFit.dResMean; dRedChi2 = oFit.dRedChi2; } return( *this ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // End of CalStatsFitter::FIT public member functions // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // End of CalStatsFitter::FIT nested class // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- }; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // End of casa namespace // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------