//# Copyright (C) 1998,1999,2000,2001,2003
//# Associated Universities, Inc. Washington DC, USA.
//# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
//# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
//# Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
//# any later version.
//# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
//# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
//# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for
//# more details.
//# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
//# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
//# 675 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
//# Correspondence concerning AIPS++ should be addressed as follows:
//#        Internet email: aips2-request@nrao.edu.
//#        Postal address: AIPS++ Project Office
//#                        National Radio Astronomy Observatory
//#                        520 Edgemont Road
//#                        Charlottesville, VA 22903-2475 USA


#include <imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/ImageStatsCalculator.h>

#include <casacore/casa/BasicSL/String.h>
#include <casacore/images/Images/ImageUtilities.h>
#include <imageanalysis/ImageAnalysis/SubImageFactory.h>

#include <iomanip>

using namespace casacore;
namespace casa {

template <class T>
const String ImageStatsCalculator<T>::_class = "ImageStatsCalculator";

template <class T>
const String ImageStatsCalculator<T>::SIGMA = "sigma";

template <class T> ImageStatsCalculator<T>::ImageStatsCalculator(
    const SPCIIT image,
    const Record *const &regionPtr,
    const String& maskInp,
    Bool beVerboseDuringConstruction
) : ImageStatsBase<T>(
        image, regionPtr, maskInp
    ) {

template <class T> ImageStatsCalculator<T>::~ImageStatsCalculator() {}

template <class T> Record ImageStatsCalculator<T>::calculate() {
    *this->_getLog() << LogOrigin(_class, __func__);
    std::unique_ptr<std::vector<String> > messageStore(
        this->_getLogFile() ? new std::vector<String>() : nullptr
    Record retval = statistics(messageStore.get());
    Bool writeFile = this->_openLogfile();
    if (_verbose || writeFile) {
        if (writeFile) {
            for (
                auto iter = messageStore->begin();
                iter != messageStore->end(); ++iter
            ) {
                this->_writeLogfile("# " + *iter, false, false);
        IPosition shape = _axes.empty() ? IPosition(_subImage->ndim(), 1)
            : _subImage->shape();
        for (const auto& axis: _axes) {
            shape[axis] = 1;
        Record r;
        auto csys = _subImage->coordinates();
        csys.save(r, "");
        try {
            auto tempIm = ImageFactory::fromShape<T>(casacore::String(""), shape.asVector(), r);
            _reportDetailedStats(tempIm, retval);
        catch (const AipsError& x) {
            *this->_getLog() << LogIO::WARN << "Unable to collapse image "
                << "so detailed per plane statistics reporting is not "
                << "possible. The exception message was " << x.getMesg()
                << LogIO::POST;
    return retval;

template <class T> void
ImageStatsCalculator<T>::_sanitizeDueToRegionSelection(Record& retval) const {
    if (_axes.empty()) {
    if (! this->_getRegion() || this->_getRegion()->empty()) {
        // no region selection, nothing to sanitize
    // create subimage template based on region only
    TempImage<T> tempIm(this->_getImage()->shape(), this->_getImage()->coordinates());
    auto subim = SubImageFactory<T>::createSubImageRO(
        tempIm, *this->_getRegion(), "", nullptr, AxesSpecifier(), False
    if (! subim->isMasked()) {
        // no pixels masked because of region selection
    auto ndim = subim->ndim();
    auto allAxes = IPosition::makeAxisPath(ndim);
    IPosition cursor;
    for (auto a: _axes) {
        cursor.append(IPosition(1, a));
    auto displayAxes = allAxes.otherAxes(ndim, cursor);
    // key is axis number, value is set of planes that are completely masked
    std::map<uInt, std::set<uInt>> excludePlanes;
    Bool mustExclude = False;
    for (auto d: displayAxes) {
        excludePlanes[d] = std::set<uInt>();
        IPosition cursorShape = subim->shape();
        cursorShape[d] = 1;
        RO_MaskedLatticeIterator<T> lattIter(*subim, cursorShape);
        uInt planeNum = 0;
        for (lattIter.atStart(); ! lattIter.atEnd(); ++lattIter, ++planeNum) {
            if (! anyTrue(lattIter.getMask())) {
                mustExclude = True;
    if (! mustExclude) {
        // no planes to exclude
    auto nfields = retval.nfields();
    // n is the index of the axis within the displayAxes
    uInt n = 0;
    for (auto d: displayAxes) {
        if (excludePlanes[d].empty()) {
            // no planes to exclude for this axis
        for (uInt i=0; i<nfields; ++i) {
            auto fieldName = retval.name(i);
            if (fieldName == "blc" || fieldName == "trc") {
            if (isArray(retval.dataType(i))) {
                switch (retval.dataType(i)) {
                case TpArrayDouble: {
                    auto x = retval.asArrayDouble(i);
                    _removePlanes(x, n, excludePlanes[d]);
                    retval.define(i, x);
                case TpArrayInt: {
                    auto x = retval.asArrayInt(i);
                    _removePlanes(x, n, excludePlanes[d]);
                    retval.define(i, x);
                    ThrowCc("Unhandled data type");

template <class T> template <class U>
void ImageStatsCalculator<T>::_removePlanes(
    Array<U>& arr, uInt axis, const std::set<uInt>& planes
) const {
    IPosition oldShape = arr.shape();
    IPosition newShape = oldShape;
    newShape[axis] -= planes.size();
    Array<U> newArray(newShape);
    // do a plane by plane copy into the new array
    auto nOldPlanes = oldShape[axis];
    auto begin = planes.begin();
    auto end = planes.end();
    auto ndim = arr.ndim();
    IPosition newSliceStart(ndim, 0);
    IPosition newSliceEnd = newShape - 1;
    newSliceEnd[axis] = 0;
    IPosition oldSliceStart(ndim, 0);
    IPosition oldSliceEnd = oldShape - 1;
    oldSliceEnd[axis] = 0;
    Slicer newSlice(newSliceStart, newSliceEnd, Slicer::endIsLast);
    Slicer oldSlice(oldSliceStart, oldSliceEnd, Slicer::endIsLast);
    for (uInt i=0; i<nOldPlanes; ++i, ++oldSliceStart[axis], ++oldSliceEnd[axis]) {
        if (std::find(begin, end, i) == end) {
            newArray(newSlice) = arr(oldSlice);

template <class T> void ImageStatsCalculator<T>::setVerbose(Bool v) {
    if (_verbose != v) {
    _verbose = v;

template <class T> void ImageStatsCalculator<T>::setDisk(Bool d) {
    if (_disk != d) {
    _disk = d;

template <class T> void ImageStatsCalculator<T>::_reportDetailedStats(
    const SPCIIT tempIm, const Record& retval
) {
    auto nptsArr = retval.asArrayDouble("npts");
    if (nptsArr.empty()) {
        *this->_getLog() << LogIO::NORMAL << msg << LogIO::POST;
        if (this->_getLogFile()) {
            this->_writeLogfile(msg, false, false);
    const CoordinateSystem& csys = tempIm->coordinates();
    auto worldAxes = csys.worldAxisNames();
    auto imShape = tempIm->shape();
    vector<uInt> colwidth;
    Int stokesCol = -1;
    Int freqCol = -1;
    Int raCol = -1;
    Int decCol = -1;
    IPosition otherCol;
    for (Int i=worldAxes.size()-1; i>=0; i--) {
        auto gg = worldAxes[i];
        if (gg == "RIGHT ASCENSION") {
            raCol = i;
        else if (gg == "DECLINATION") {
            decCol = i;
        else if (gg == "FREQUENCY") {
            freqCol = i;
        else if (gg == "STOKES") {
            stokesCol = i;
        else {
            otherCol.append(IPosition(1, i));
    IPosition idx(worldAxes.size(), 0);
    uInt myloc = 0;
    IPosition reportAxes;
    if (stokesCol >= 0) {
        idx[myloc] = stokesCol;
        if (imShape[stokesCol] > 1) {
            reportAxes.prepend(IPosition(1, stokesCol));
    if (freqCol >= 0) {
        idx[myloc] = freqCol;
        if (imShape[freqCol] > 1) {
            reportAxes.prepend(IPosition(1, freqCol));
    if (decCol >= 0) {
        idx[myloc] = decCol;
        if (imShape[decCol] > 1) {
            reportAxes.prepend(IPosition(1, decCol));
    if (raCol >= 0) {
        idx[myloc] = raCol;
        if (imShape[raCol] > 1) {
            reportAxes.prepend(IPosition(1, raCol));
    if (otherCol.size() > 0) {
        for (uInt i=0; i<otherCol.nelements(); ++i) {
            idx[myloc] = otherCol[i];
            if (imShape[otherCol[i]] > 1) {
                reportAxes.append(IPosition(1, otherCol[i]));
    Bool doVelocity = csys.hasSpectralAxis()
        && csys.spectralCoordinate().restFrequency() > 0;
    ostringstream oss;
    // CSSC wants "#" in log file but not in logger output, sigh
    for (auto ax : reportAxes) {
        if (ax == freqCol) {
            if (doVelocity) {
                oss << "VELOCITY column unit = "
                    << csys.spectralCoordinate().velocityUnit() << endl;
            else {
                oss << "FREQUENCY column unit = "
                    << csys.spectralCoordinate().worldAxisUnits()[0] << endl;
            if (_verbose) {
                *this->_getLog() << LogIO::NORMAL << oss.str() << LogIO::POST;
            if (this->_getLogFile()) {
                this->_writeLogfile("#" + oss.str(), false, false);
    auto bUnit = this->_getImage()->units().getName();
    const auto alg = this->_getAlgorithm();
    const auto doBiweight = alg == StatisticsData::BIWEIGHT;
    if (_verbose) {
        if (! doBiweight) {
            oss << "Sum column unit = " << bUnit << endl;
        oss << "Mean column unit = " << bUnit << endl;
        oss << "Std_dev column unit = " << bUnit << endl;
        oss << "Minimum column unit = " << bUnit << endl;
        oss << "Maximum column unit = " << bUnit << endl;
        *this->_getLog() << LogIO::NORMAL << oss.str() << LogIO::POST;
    if (this->_getLogFile()) {
        if (! doBiweight) {
            oss << "#Sum column unit = " << bUnit << endl;
        oss << "#Mean column unit = " << bUnit << endl;
        oss << "#Std_dev column unit = " << bUnit << endl;
        oss << "#Minimum column unit = " << bUnit << endl;
        oss << "#Maximum column unit = " << bUnit << endl;
        this->_writeLogfile(oss.str(), false, false);
    for (auto ax : reportAxes) {
        String gg = worldAxes[ax];
        uInt width = gg == "STOKES" ? 6 : gg == "FREQUENCY"?  16: 15;
        if (
            gg == "FREQUENCY" && doVelocity
        ) {
            gg = "VELOCITY";
        oss << setw(width) << gg << "  "
            << gg << "(Plane)" << " ";
        width = gg.size() + 8;
    Vector<Int> axesMap = reportAxes.asVector();
    if (doBiweight) {
        oss << "Npts          Mean          Std_dev       Minimum       Maximum     ";
    else {
        oss << "Npts          Sum           Mean          Rms           Std_dev       Minimum       Maximum     ";
    std::map<String, uInt> chauvIters;
    const auto& stats = this->_getImageStats();
    if (alg == StatisticsData::CHAUVENETCRITERION) {
        chauvIters = stats->getChauvenetNiter();
        oss << "  N Iter";
    oss << endl;
    if (_verbose) {
        *this->_getLog() << LogIO::NORMAL << oss.str() << LogIO::POST;
    if (this->_getLogFile()) {
        this->_writeLogfile("#" + oss.str(), false, false);
    for (uInt i=0; i<7; ++i) {
    if (alg == StatisticsData::CHAUVENETCRITERION) {
    TileStepper ts(
        IPosition(tempIm->ndim(), 1), idx
    RO_MaskedLatticeIterator<T> inIter(
        *tempIm, ts
    Vector<Double> world;
    IPosition arrayIndex(axesMap.nelements(), 0);
    IPosition blc = stats->getBlc();
    IPosition position(tempIm->ndim());
    uInt width = 13;
    Vector<Vector<String> > coords(reportAxes.size());
    auto i = 0;
    for (const auto& axis: reportAxes) {
        Vector<Double> indices = indgen(imShape[axis], 0.0, 1.0);
        uInt prec = axis == freqCol ? 9 : 5;
        if (doVelocity && reportAxes[i] == freqCol) {
            const SpectralCoordinate& spc = csys.spectralCoordinate();
            Vector<Double> vels;
            spc.pixelToVelocity(vels, indices);
            vector<String> sv;
            for (const auto& v : vels) {
                ostringstream oss;
                oss << setprecision(prec) << v;
            coords[i] = Vector<String>(sv);
        else {
                coords[i], csys, axis, _axes,
                IPosition(imShape.size(),0), imShape-1, indices, prec,
    uInt count = 0;
    for (inIter.reset(); ! inIter.atEnd(); ++inIter) {
        oss << std::scientific;
        uInt colNum = 0;
        position = inIter.position();
        csys.toWorld(world, position);
        if (axesMap.empty()) {
            arrayIndex = IPosition(1, 0);
        else {
            auto n = axesMap.nelements();
            for (uInt i=0; i<n; ++i) {
                arrayIndex[i] = position[axesMap[i]];
        auto npts = nptsArr(arrayIndex);
        if (npts == 0) {
            // CAS-10183, do not log planes for which there are no good points
        for (uInt i=0; i<reportAxes.nelements(); ++i) {
            oss << setw(colwidth[colNum]);
            oss    << coords[i][position[reportAxes[i]]];
            oss << " " << setw(colwidth[colNum])
                << (position[reportAxes[i]] + blc[reportAxes[i]]) << " ";
        oss << std::setw(width) << npts << " ";
        if (alg != StatisticsData::BIWEIGHT) {
            oss << std::setw(width) << retval.asArrayDouble("sum")(arrayIndex) << " ";
        oss << std::setw(width) << retval.asArrayDouble("mean")(arrayIndex) << " ";
        if (alg != StatisticsData::BIWEIGHT) {
            oss << std::setw(width) << retval.asArrayDouble("rms")(arrayIndex) << " ";
        oss << std::setw(width) << retval.asArrayDouble(SIGMA)(arrayIndex) << " "
            << std::setw(width) << retval.asArrayDouble("min")(arrayIndex) << " "
            << std::setw(width) << retval.asArrayDouble("max")(arrayIndex);
        if (alg == StatisticsData::CHAUVENETCRITERION) {
            ostringstream pos;
            pos << position;
            oss << std::setw(6) << " " << chauvIters[pos.str()];
        oss << endl;
        if (_verbose) {
            *this->_getLog() << LogIO::NORMAL << oss.str() << LogIO::POST;
        // add a space at the beginning of the line to account for the
        // "#" in the column header
        this->_writeLogfile(" " + oss.str(), false, false);

template <class T> Record ImageStatsCalculator<T>::statistics(
    std::vector<String> *const &messageStore
) {
    LogOrigin myOrigin(_class, __func__);
    *this->_getLog() << myOrigin;
    CountedPtr<ImageRegion> region, mask;
    String mtmp = this->_getMask();
    if (mtmp == "false" || mtmp == "[]") {
        mtmp = "";
    _subImage = SubImageFactory<T>::createSubImageRO(
        region, mask, *this->_getImage(), *this->_getRegion(), mtmp,
        (_verbose ? this->_getLog().get() : 0), AxesSpecifier(),
    *this->_getLog() << myOrigin;
    // Find BLC of _subImage in pixels and world coords, and output the
    // information to the logger.
    // NOTE: ImageStatitics can't do this because it only gets the _subImage
    //       not a region and the full image.
    IPosition shape = _subImage->shape();
    IPosition blc(_subImage->ndim(), 0);
    IPosition trc(shape - 1);
    if (region) {
        LatticeRegion latRegion = region->toLatticeRegion(
            this->_getImage()->coordinates(), this->_getImage()->shape()
        Slicer sl = latRegion.slicer();
        blc = sl.start();
        trc = sl.end();
    // for precision
    CoordinateSystem csys = this->_getImage()->coordinates();
    Int precis = -1;
    if (csys.hasDirectionCoordinate()) {
        DirectionCoordinate dirCoord = csys.directionCoordinate();
        Vector<String> dirUnits = dirCoord.worldAxisUnits();
        Vector<Double> dirIncs = dirCoord.increment();
        for (uInt i=0; i< dirUnits.size(); ++i) {
            Quantity inc(dirIncs[i], dirUnits[i]);
            Int newPrecis = abs(int(floor(log10(inc.getValue()))));
            precis = (newPrecis > 2 && newPrecis > precis) ? newPrecis : precis;
    String blcf, trcf;
    blcf = CoordinateUtil::formatCoordinate(blc, csys, precis);
    trcf = CoordinateUtil::formatCoordinate(trc, csys, precis);
    auto& stats = this->_getImageStats();
    if (! stats) {
            ? new ImageStatistics<T> (*_subImage, *this->_getLog(), true, _disk)
            : new ImageStatistics<T> (*_subImage, true, _disk)
    else {
        if (
                region.get(), mask.get(),
                _oldStatsRegion.get(), _oldStatsMask.get()
        ) {
    // prevent the table of stats we no longer use from being logged
    auto myAlg = this->_configureAlgorithm();
        messageStore, myAlg, blc, trc, blcf, trcf
    auto doBiweight = this->_getAlgorithm() == StatisticsData::BIWEIGHT;
    if (_robust && doBiweight) {
        *this->_getLog() << LogIO::WARN << "The biweight algorithm does not "
            << "support the computation of quantile-like statistics. "
            << "These will not be computed" << LogIO::POST;
        _robust = False;
    if (messageStore) {
    // Assign old regions to current regions
    _oldStatsRegion = region;
    _oldStatsMask = mask;
    // Set cursor axes
    *this->_getLog() << myOrigin;
    ThrowIf(! stats->setAxes(_axes), stats->errorMessage());
        !stats->setInExCludeRange(_includepix, _excludepix, false),
    // Tell what to list
    // Recover statistics
    Array<Double> npts, sum, sumsquared, min, max, mean, sigma;
    Array<Double> rms, fluxDensity, med, medAbsDevMed, quartile, q1, q3;
    Bool ok = true;
    auto doFlux = ! doBiweight;
    if (doFlux && this->_getImage()->imageInfo().hasMultipleBeams()) {
        if (csys.hasSpectralAxis() || csys.hasPolarizationCoordinate()) {
            Int spAxis = csys.spectralAxisNumber();
            Int poAxis = csys.polarizationAxisNumber();
            for (Int i=0; i<(Int)_axes.size(); ++i) {
                if (_axes[i] == spAxis || _axes[i] == poAxis) {
                    *this->_getLog() << LogIO::WARN << "At least one cursor axis contains multiple beams. "
                        << "You should thus use care in interpreting these statistics. Flux densities "
                        << "will not be computed." << LogIO::POST;
                    doFlux = false;
    if (_robust) {
        ok = stats->getStatistic(med, LatticeStatsBase::MEDIAN)
            && stats->getStatistic(
                medAbsDevMed, LatticeStatsBase::MEDABSDEVMED
            && stats->getStatistic(
                quartile, LatticeStatsBase::QUARTILE
            && stats->getStatistic(
                q1, LatticeStatsBase::Q1
            && stats->getStatistic(
                q3, LatticeStatsBase::Q3
    ok = ok && stats->getStatistic(npts, LatticeStatsBase::NPTS)
        && stats->getStatistic(min, LatticeStatsBase::MIN)
        && stats->getStatistic(max, LatticeStatsBase::MAX)
        && stats->getStatistic(mean, LatticeStatsBase::MEAN)
        && stats->getStatistic(sigma, LatticeStatsBase::SIGMA);
    if (! doBiweight) {
        ok = ok && stats->getStatistic(sum, LatticeStatsBase::SUM)
            && stats->getStatistic(sumsquared, LatticeStatsBase::SUMSQ)
            && stats->getStatistic(rms, LatticeStatsBase::RMS);
    ThrowIf(! ok, stats->errorMessage());
    Record statsout;
    statsout.define("npts", npts);
    statsout.define("min", min);
    statsout.define("max", max);
    statsout.define("mean", mean);
    statsout.define(SIGMA, sigma);
    if (! doBiweight) {
        statsout.define("sum", sum);
        statsout.define("sumsq", sumsquared);
        statsout.define("rms", rms);
    if (_robust) {
        statsout.define("median", med);
        statsout.define("medabsdevmed", medAbsDevMed);
        statsout.define("quartile", quartile);
        statsout.define("q1", q1);
        statsout.define("q3", q3);
    if (
        && stats->getStatistic(
            fluxDensity, LatticeStatsBase::FLUX
    ) {
        statsout.define("flux", fluxDensity);
    statsout.define("blc", blc.asVector());
    statsout.define("blcf", blcf);
    statsout.define("trc", trc.asVector());
    statsout.define("trcf", trcf);
    String tmp;
    IPosition minPos, maxPos;
    if (! doBiweight && stats->getMinMaxPos(minPos, maxPos)) {
        if (minPos.nelements() > 0) {
            statsout.define("minpos", (blc + minPos).asVector());
            tmp = CoordinateUtil::formatCoordinate(blc + minPos, csys, precis);
            statsout.define("minposf", tmp);
        if (maxPos.nelements() > 0) {
            statsout.define("maxpos", (blc + maxPos).asVector());
            tmp = CoordinateUtil::formatCoordinate(blc + maxPos, csys, precis);
            statsout.define("maxposf", tmp);
    if (_list) {
            ! stats->display(),
    if (messageStore) {
        std::vector<String> messages = stats->getMessages();
        for (
            std::vector<String>::const_iterator iter=messages.begin();
            iter!=messages.end(); ++iter
        ) {
            messageStore->push_back(*iter + "\n");
    return statsout;

template <class T> void ImageStatsCalculator<T>::_logStartup(
    std::vector<String> *const &messageStore, const String& myAlg,
    const casacore::IPosition& blc, const casacore::IPosition& trc,
    const casacore::String& blcf, const casacore::String trcf
) const {
    if (! _list) {
    LogOrigin myOrigin(_class, __func__);
    *this->_getLog() << myOrigin << LogIO::NORMAL;
    String algInfo = "Statistics calculated using "
        + myAlg + " algorithm";
    *this->_getLog() << algInfo << LogIO::POST;
    if (messageStore) {
        messageStore->push_back(algInfo + "\n");
    // Only write to the logger if the user wants it displayed.
    Vector<String> x(5);
    ostringstream y;
    x[0] = "Regions --- ";
    y << "         -- bottom-left corner (pixel) [blc]:  " << blc;
    x[1] = y.str();
    y << "         -- top-right corner (pixel) [trc]:    " << trc;
    x[2] = y.str();
    y << "         -- bottom-left corner (world) [blcf]: " << blcf;
    x[3] = y.str();
    y << "         -- top-right corner (world) [trcf]:   " << trcf;
    x[4] = y.str();
    for (uInt i=0; i<x.size(); ++i) {
        *this->_getLog() << x[i] << LogIO::POST;
        if (messageStore != 0) {
            messageStore->push_back(x[i] + "\n");

template <class T> void ImageStatsCalculator<T>::setRobust(Bool b) {
    _robust = b;

template <class T> casacore::Bool ImageStatsCalculator<T>::_haveRegionsChanged(
    ImageRegion* newRegion,
    ImageRegion* newMask, ImageRegion* oldRegion,
    ImageRegion* oldMask
) {
    Bool regionChanged = (
            newRegion != 0 && oldRegion != 0
            && (*newRegion) != (*oldRegion)
        || (newRegion == 0 && oldRegion != 0)
        || (newRegion != 0 && oldRegion == 0
    Bool maskChanged = (
            newMask != 0 && oldMask != 0
            && (*newMask) != (*oldMask)
        || (newMask == 0 && oldMask != 0)
        || (newMask != 0 && oldMask == 0
    return (regionChanged || maskChanged);

