/* * PointingDirectionCache.cc * * Created on: Dec 1, 2016 * Author: jjacobs */ #include <msvis/MSVis/PointingDirectionCache.h> #include <casacore/casa/Exceptions/Error.h> #include <casacore/casa/BasicSL/String.h> #include <casacore/measures/Measures/MDirection.h> #include <casacore/ms/MeasurementSets/MSPointingColumns.h> #include <memory> using namespace casacore; namespace casa { namespace vi { PointingColumns::PointingColumns (const MSPointingColumns & pointingColumns) : pointingColumns_p (pointingColumns) {} Pointing PointingColumns::getPointingRow (int row, double /*targetTime*/, bool asMeasure) const { Pointing pointing; // See if the row's time is no earlier than 5 minutes before target // An optimization to avoid unnecessary direction measure conversions // for rows unlikely to be used (the conversions are fairly expensive) pointing.time = pointingColumns_p.time () (row); pointing.interval = pointingColumns_p.interval () (row); pointing.antennaId = pointingColumns_p.antennaId() (row); pointing.row = row; pointing.source = this; if (asMeasure){ // Pointing is likely to be useful so get all the data. pointing.direction.reset (new MDirection (pointingColumns_p.directionMeas (row))); } return pointing; } int PointingColumns::nRows () const { return pointingColumns_p.nrow(); } PointingDirectionCache::PointingDirectionCache (int nAntennas, const PointingSource & pointingSource) : antennaLevelCache_p (MinTimeEntries, MaxTimeEntries, nAntennas, this), antennaEarliestTime_p (nAntennas, -1.0), lastRowRead_p (-1), nFallbacks_p (0), nHits_p (0), pointingEofReached_p (false), pointingSource_p (pointingSource) {} PointingDirectionCache::~PointingDirectionCache () { // printf ("--> nHits=%d, nFallbacks_p=%d, %%fallback=%f, unused=0%3.2f\n", nHits_p, nFallbacks_p, // 100.0 * nFallbacks_p / (nHits_p + nFallbacks_p), (nAdded_p - nHits_p) * 1.0f / nAdded_p); } void PointingDirectionCache::fillCache (int antenna, double time, bool flushAndRewind) const { if (flushAndRewind){ // A time earlier than what was cached is needed: reload the cache from the // beginning. If done with any frequency on large files it could produce a // performance problem. antennaLevelCache_p.flushTimes (); lastRowRead_p = -1; } int nRows = pointingSource_p.nRows(); while (true) { // Begin reading rows from the pointing table. Each row will be an entry for // an antenna at a particular time. The implementation will fail if the // timestamps for each antenna are not monotonically increasing. lastRowRead_p ++; if (lastRowRead_p >= nRows){ pointingEofReached_p = true; return; // can't fill anymore } // Pull out the information from the current row of the pointing table and // add it to the cache. Pointing pointing = pointingSource_p.getPointingRow (lastRowRead_p, time, false); antennaLevelCache_p.addEntry (pointing); if (antennaEarliestTime_p [pointing.antennaId] < 0) { antennaEarliestTime_p [pointing.antennaId] = pointing.time; } // See if the current row satisfies the underlying cache read request. // If so, return. if (pointing.antennaId == antenna){ if (pd_cache::timeMatch (time, pointing.time, pointing.interval)){ return; } if (time < pointing.time){ // Target time before first pointing time, so give up. return; } } } } std::pair <bool, casacore::MDirection> PointingDirectionCache::getPointingDirection (int antenna, double time, const MDirection & phaseCenter) const { using namespace pd_cache; // Try to fill the direction request from the cache. if (noDataForAntenna (antenna, time)){ nFallbacks_p ++; return std::make_pair (true, phaseCenter); // antenna not in pointing subtable --> return default. } CacheAccessStatus status; const MDirection * direction = nullptr; MDirection result; std::tie (status, direction) = antennaLevelCache_p.getPointingDirection (antenna, time); if (status == CacheAccessStatus::Hit){ result = * direction; nHits_p ++; } else if (status == CacheAccessStatus::MissInternal){ // The cache contained values surrounding the requested value but not that // matched it. Use the phaseCenter as a reasonable fallback. result = phaseCenter; nFallbacks_p ++; } else { // The request failed so add more data to the cache. bool flushAndRewind = status == CacheAccessStatus::MissPrior; fillCache (antenna, time, flushAndRewind); // Try to fill the direction request again. std::tie (status, direction) = antennaLevelCache_p.getPointingDirection (antenna, time); if (status != CacheAccessStatus::Hit){ // Miss after cache fill so use the phaseCenter as a fallback. result = phaseCenter; nFallbacks_p ++; } else { result = * direction; nHits_p ++; } } bool northPole = result.toString() == "00:00:00.000000 J2000"; if (northPole){ printf ("Returning north pole: ant=%d, t=%f\n", antenna, time); } return std::make_pair (true, result); } const PointingSource * PointingDirectionCache::getPointingSource () const { return & pointingSource_p; } bool PointingDirectionCache::noDataForAntenna (int antenna, double time) const { // If the entire pointing subtable has been scanned once and the antenna // was not seen then return true. This is intended to prevent excessive // reading of the pointing subtable when an antenna is missing. bool noData = false; if (antennaEarliestTime_p [antenna] >= 0){ // If there is an earliest time for the antenna, then see if the requested // time is before it. noData = time < antennaEarliestTime_p [antenna]; } else { // No data has been seen (yet?) for the current antenna. // If the entire subtable has been scanned once already, then // there is no data for this antenna. noData = pointingEofReached_p; } return noData; } namespace pd_cache { bool timeMatch (double time, double rowsTime, double rowsInterval) { // The time matches if it falls within an interval around the pointing // table time. bool match = time >= rowsTime - rowsInterval && time <= rowsTime + rowsInterval; return match; } AntennaLevelCache::AntennaLevelCache (int minTimes, int maxTimes, int nAntennas, const PointingDirectionCache * pdCache) : pointingDirectionCache_p (pdCache), timeLevelCache_p (nAntennas, TimeLevelCache (minTimes, maxTimes, this)) {} void AntennaLevelCache::addEntry (Pointing & pointing) { timeLevelCache_p [pointing.antennaId].addEntry (pointing); } void AntennaLevelCache::flushTimes () { for (auto & timeCache : timeLevelCache_p){ // Flush the time cache for each antenna timeCache.flush (); } } std::pair<CacheAccessStatus,const casacore::MDirection *> AntennaLevelCache::getPointingDirection (int antenna, double time) { return timeLevelCache_p [antenna].getPointingDirection(time); } const PointingSource * AntennaLevelCache::getPointingSource () const { return pointingDirectionCache_p->getPointingSource (); } TimeLevelEntry::TimeLevelEntry (const Pointing & pointing, const TimeLevelCache * tlCache) : direction_p (std::move (pointing.direction)), row_p (pointing.row), timeCenter_p (pointing.time), timeLevelCache_p (tlCache), interval_p (pointing.interval) { bool northPole = direction_p && direction_p->toString() == "00:00:00.000000 J2000"; if (northPole){ printf ("Returning north pole: ant=%d, t=%f\n", pointing.antennaId, pointing.time); } } TimeLevelEntry::TimeLevelEntry (const TimeLevelEntry & other) : direction_p (std::move (other.direction_p)), row_p (other.row_p), timeCenter_p (other.timeCenter_p), timeLevelCache_p (other.timeLevelCache_p), interval_p (other.interval_p) {} TimeLevelEntry::~TimeLevelEntry () { } TimeLevelEntry & TimeLevelEntry::operator= (const TimeLevelEntry & other) { if (& other != this){ direction_p = std::move (other.direction_p); other.direction_p = nullptr; row_p = other.row_p; timeCenter_p = other.timeCenter_p; interval_p = other.interval_p; } return * this; } const casacore::MDirection * TimeLevelEntry::getDirection () const{ // If the direction measure is actually cached, then simply return it. if (! direction_p){ // Refetch the row and actually get the direction this time. Put it in // the cache and return a pointer to it. Pointing p = timeLevelCache_p->getPointingSource()->getPointingRow (row_p, timeCenter_p, true); direction_p.reset (new MDirection (* p.direction.get())); } return direction_p.get(); } double TimeLevelEntry::getInterval () const{ return interval_p; } double TimeLevelEntry::getTime () const { return timeCenter_p; } bool operator== (double t, const TimeLevelEntry & tle) { return timeMatch (t, tle.getTime(), tle.getInterval()); } bool operator== (const TimeLevelEntry & tle, double t) { return t == tle; } bool operator< (double t, const TimeLevelEntry & tle) { return t < tle.getTime() - tle.getInterval(); } bool operator< (const TimeLevelEntry & tle, double t) { return t > tle.getTime() + tle.getInterval(); } TimeLevelCache::TimeLevelCache (int minTimes, int maxTimes, const AntennaLevelCache * alCache) : antennaLevelCache_p (alCache), cache_p (), maxTimes_p (maxTimes), minTimes_p (minTimes) {} void TimeLevelCache::addEntry (Pointing & pointing) { if (cache_p.size() + 1 > (uint) maxTimes_p){ // Compact the cache so that it contains minTimes_p elements. int nToErase = cache_p.size() - minTimes_p; cache_p.erase (cache_p.begin(), cache_p.begin() + nToErase); } // Add in the new entry on the end. if (! cache_p.empty() && pointing.time < cache_p.back().getTime()){ // The pointing table is not increasing monotonically for this antenna. // As a kluge, flush the cache and continue. This could behave badly // in some situations. cache_p.clear(); } cache_p.push_back (TimeLevelEntry (pointing, this)); } void TimeLevelCache::flush () { // Get rid of everything. cache_p.clear(); } std::pair<CacheAccessStatus, const casacore::MDirection *> TimeLevelCache::getPointingDirection (double time) { if (cache_p.empty ()){ return std::make_pair (CacheAccessStatus::MissPost, nullptr); } // Find the first element that is >= the requested time. Cache::iterator lowerBound = std::lower_bound (cache_p.begin(), cache_p.end(), time); if (lowerBound == cache_p.end()){ // Handle the case where there is no lower bound TimeLevelEntry & tle = cache_p.back(); double upperTime = tle.getTime() + tle.getInterval(); if (time <= upperTime){ // Last element in cache's interval contains the target // time: we found it return std::make_pair (CacheAccessStatus::Hit, tle.getDirection()); } // Off the top end of existing data in the cache return std::make_pair (CacheAccessStatus::MissPost, nullptr); } if (time == * lowerBound){ // We've found it return std::make_pair (CacheAccessStatus::Hit, lowerBound->getDirection()); } if (lowerBound == cache_p.begin()){ // Nothing below it so it's a miss return std::make_pair (CacheAccessStatus::MissPrior, nullptr); } if (time == * (lowerBound - 1)){ return std::make_pair (CacheAccessStatus::Hit, (lowerBound - 1)->getDirection()); } // Cache miss: must be between two cache entries (this could be handled // by interpolating between the two entries, but might indicate a flaw in // the algorithm or the data; for now just let the caller sort it out). return std::make_pair (CacheAccessStatus::MissInternal, nullptr); } const PointingSource * TimeLevelCache::getPointingSource () const { return antennaLevelCache_p->getPointingSource (); } } // end namespace pd_cache } // end namespace vi } // end namepsace casa