#if ! defined (MSVIS_VisBufferComponents_H) #define MSVIS_VisBufferComponents_H namespace casa { // <summary> // // This class encapsulates an enum with values corresponding to the various // data components accessible via a VisBuffer. Its current usage is to // specify the VisBuffer components to be prefetched when asynchronous I/O // is in use or to specify the VisBuffer components that have been modified // when a Visibility Processing Framework bucket-brigade is operating on // a VisBuffer. This implementation should be replaced by a C++11 when // the standard matures a bit. // // <prerequisite> // <li> <linkto class="VisBuffer">VisBuffer</linkto> // </prerequisite> // // </summary> // // <synopsis> // // </synopsis> // <example> // // <code> // // </code> // </example> // class VisBufferComponents { public: typedef enum { Unknown=-1, AllBeamOffsetsZero, // VisBufferAsync use only AntennaMounts, // VisBufferAsync use only Ant1, Ant2, ArrayId, BeamOffsets, // VisBufferAsync use only Channel, Cjones, CorrType, Corrected, CorrectedCube, DataDescriptionId, Direction1, Direction2, Exposure, Feed1, Feed1_pa, Feed2, Feed2_pa, FieldId, Flag, FlagCategory, FlagCube, FlagRow, Freq, ImagingWeight, Model, ModelCube, NChannel, NCorr, NRow, ObservationId, Observed, ObservedCube, PhaseCenter, PolFrame, ProcessorId, ReceptorAngles, // VisBufferAsync use only Scan, Sigma, SigmaMat, SpW, StateId, Time, TimeCentroid, TimeInterval, Weight, WeightMat, WeightSpectrum, Uvw, UvwMat, N_VisBufferComponents // must be last } EnumType; }; } #endif // ! defined (MSVIS_VisBufferComponents_H)