
Ville Suoranta authored 8f75e7ffb65 Merge
Merge pull request #22 in CASA/casa-build-utils from CAS-13788 to master

* commit '66f397268cf0d85120e1b0767df95a3ccea3f731': Update pip.conf Rename pip.conf.py38 -> pip.conf.linux2014.py38 Add pip.conf for Python 3.8 Different quote configuration Quote shell arguments Add missing double quote Fix tools_target in Revert "Add temporary sleep" Increase sleep Add temporary sleep Bamboo debug Print out casatools path Add build_casa_2014 files and update Add Fix hardcoded wheeldirectory
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43 43 fi
44 44
45 45 echo "wheeldirectory: $wheeldirectory"
46 46 echo "branch: $branch"
47 47 echo "casalithbranch: $casalithbranch"
48 48 echo "OS: $OS"
49 49 echo "Pydeps: $pydeps"
50 50 echo "Python: $python_version"
51 51 export PATH=/usr/lib64/ccache:/opt/rh/rh-python36/root/usr/bin:/opt/rh/devtoolset-4/root/usr/bin:/opt/casa/03/bin:/opt/casa/02/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/opt/casa/02/bin
52 52
53 -toolswheel=/wheeldirectory/`ls $wheeldirectory | grep casatools`
54 -taskswheel=/wheeldirectory/`ls $wheeldirectory | grep casatasks`
55 -shellwheel=/wheeldirectory/`ls $wheeldirectory | grep casashell`
56 -testutilswheel=/wheeldirectory/`ls $wheeldirectory | grep casatestutils`
53 +toolswheel=$wheeldirectory/`ls $wheeldirectory | grep casatools`
54 +taskswheel=$wheeldirectory/`ls $wheeldirectory | grep casatasks`
55 +shellwheel=$wheeldirectory/`ls $wheeldirectory | grep casashell`
56 +testutilswheel=$wheeldirectory/`ls $wheeldirectory | grep casatestutils`
57 57
58 58 echo "Tools: $toolswheel"
59 59 echo "Tasks: $taskswheel"
60 60 echo "Shell: $shellwheel"
61 61 echo "Casatestutils: $testutilswheel"
62 62
63 63 echo Working directory: `pwd`
64 64
65 65 # Install Perl
66 66 yum install --assumeyes perl-URI
108 108 old=$(ls . | grep "casa-*"| tr "/" " ")
109 109 mv $old casa-$branch-$revision
110 110 cd -
111 111
112 112 fi
113 113 # Create tar
114 114 outputdir=`pwd`/casalith/build-casalith/work/linux/output
115 115 if [ -d "$outputdir" ];then
116 116 cd $outputdir
117 117 mv `ls .` `ls .`-py$python_version
118 - tar cfJ `ls .`.tar.xz `ls .` && cp *.xz /wheeldirectory/
118 + tar cfJ `ls .`.tar.xz `ls .` && cp *.xz /$wheeldirectory/
119 119 rc=$?; if [[ $rc != 0 ]]; then exit $rc; fi
120 120 cd -
121 121 else
122 122 exit 1
123 123 fi

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