description Virtual Desktops for Mac OS X
long_description DesktopManager brings Virtual Desktops to Mac OS X. \
It is utilizing the Quartz engine to make damn cool \
animations while switching desktops (e. g. cube).
master_sites macports_distfiles
checksums md5 23548a9f4160dcfd80725afb1f7160a4 \
sha1 dec0d383c98856973e5b52065da2816400e40a21 \
rmd160 66935704e20439b855e1013f430227756a3bdeaf
ui_error "${name} ${version} requires Mac OS X 10.4."
return -code error "incompatible macOS version"
# Don't set INSTALL_PATH. This build system uses INSTALL_PATH internally to
# link the application and frameworks together with relative paths.
copy "${worksrcpath}/build/${xcode.configuration}/Desktop" \
deprecated.upstream_support no