description Java client for Kingdom of Loathing online game
KoLmafia is a cross-platform desktop tool which interfaces with the online \
adventure game, Kingdom of Loathing. KoLmafia is written in Java (J2SE 1.4 \
compliant), with binary releases in JAR format.
master_sites sourceforge:project/kolmafia/${version}
checksums rmd160 81fd061e20bcd3ac8a0b9401b53a790449fa8855 \
sha256 2252d1f00b7e5f51eaa4332371655931ad516ae2bfbf7e9e20aa3575281d4bb7
depends_build bin:ant:apache-ant
depends_run port:BrowserLauncher2
copy ${worksrcpath}/dist/${name}-${version}.app ${destroot}${applications_dir}/${name}.app