--- main.c.orig 2006-10-30 04:56:23.000000000 -0600
+++ main.c 2013-03-31 03:17:46.000000000 -0500
// Launch Services errors
+ { kLSAppInTrashErr, "application is in the Trash" },
+ { kLSExecutableIncorrectFormat, "executable is unsupported on this processor architecture" },
{ kLSUnknownErr, "unknown Launch Services error" },
- { kLSApplicationNotFoundErr, "application not found" },
+ { kLSNotAnApplicationErr, "item is not an application" },
+ { kLSDataUnavailableErr, "item metadata is unavailable" },
+ { kLSApplicationNotFoundErr, "application not found for document" },
+ { kLSUnknownTypeErr, "cannot determine item kind" },
{ kLSLaunchInProgressErr, "application is being opened; please try again after the application is open" },
- { kLSNotRegisteredErr, "application not registered in Launch Services database" },
+ { kLSServerCommunicationErr, "unable to connect to Launch Services.\nAre you logged in?" },
+ { kLSIncompatibleSystemVersionErr, "application is incompatible with this version of Mac OS X" },
+ { kLSNoLaunchPermissionErr, "no permission to launch this application", },
{ kLSNoExecutableErr, "application package contains no executable, or an unusable executable" },
{ kLSNoClassicEnvironmentErr, "Classic environment required but not available" },
{ kLSMultipleSessionsNotSupportedErr, "unable to launch multiple instances of application" },
{ nsvErr, "the volume cannot be found (buggy filesystem?)" },
{ procNotFound, "unable to connect to system service.\nAre you logged in?" },
{ kCGErrorIllegalArgument, "window server error.\nAre you logged in?" },
- { kCGErrorApplicationRequiresNewerSystem, "application requires a newer Mac OS X version" },
{ fnfErr, "file not found" },
len = strlen(errDesc) + 10 * sizeof(char);
str = (char *)malloc(len);
- snprintf(str, len, "%s (%ld)", errDesc, err);
+ snprintf(str, len, "%s (%d)", errDesc, (int)err);
printf("zero bytes on disk (zero bytes used)\n"); return;
- } else if (littleSize < 1024) printf("%lu bytes", littleSize);
+ } else if (littleSize < 1024) printf("%u bytes", (unsigned int)littleSize);
UInt32 adjSize = littleSize >> 10;
if (adjSize < 1024) printf("%.1f KB", DFORMAT(littleSize));
- if (bigSize < 256) printf("%lu GB", bigSize);
+ if (bigSize < 256) printf("%u GB", (unsigned int)bigSize);
- printf("%lu TB", bigSize);
+ printf("%u TB", (unsigned int)bigSize);
printf(" on disk (%llu bytes used)\n", logicalSize);
switch (fscInfo.valence) {