# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4
github.setup dbeaver dbeaver 6.2.5
github.tarball_from releases
distname dbeaver-ce-${version}-macosx.cocoa.x86_64
maintainers {@lhaeger} openmaintainer
description Free multi-platform database tool for developers, SQL programmers, database administrators \
long_description Free multi-platform database tool for developers, SQL programmers, database administrators \
and analysts. Supports any database which has JDBC driver (which basically means - ANY database).\
Has a lot of features including metadata editor, SQL editor, rich data editor, ERD, data \
export/import/migration, SQL execution plans, etc.\
Uses plugins architecture and provides additional functionality for the following databases: \
MySQL/MariaDB, PostgreSQL, Greenplum, Oracle, DB2 LUW, Exasol, SQL Server, Sybase/SAP ASE, \
SQLite, Firebird, H2, HSQLDB, Derby, Teradata, Vertica, Netezza, Informix, etc.
homepage https://dbeaver.io/
checksums rmd160 38e805e94ae21f73b1bc3685982938fcbc993ae1 \
sha256 b546d3740134abd757fddc01bcd48ede2f918ebe4163010ad76e72d039e175d9 \
copy ${worksrcpath}/DBeaver.app ${destroot}${applications_dir}