description processes output from building software
long_description Autobuild is a package that process output from building \
software, primarily focused on packages using autoconf and \
automake, and then generate a HTML summary file, \
containing links to each build log. The output include \
project name, version, build host types (cross compile \
aware), compiler host name, date of build, and indication \
of success or failure. The output is indexed in many ways \
master_sites${name}/ \${name}/
checksums rmd160 bf9de5ebba2c1e84cbccafb8ccb54934ff39a0c4 \
sha256 c12984db9a47652cda59dab846d6c13378ceb1d5648251c3fb0927258379673f
depends_lib path:bin/perl:perl5
configure.perl ${prefix}/bin/perl
reinplace "s|#!/usr/bin/perl|#!${configure.perl}|" \