description Boost.Jam (BJam) is a build tool based on FTJam
Boost.Jam (BJam) is a build tool based on FTJam, \
which in turn is based on Perforce Jam. It contains \
significant improvements made to facilitate its use \
in the Boost Build System, but should be backward \
compatible with Perforce Jam.
master_sites sourceforge:boost
checksums md5 f790e022d658db38db5cc4aeeccad3f1 \
sha1 3f2fe83add40691b9a5f9ebe5ea8a2264a808370 \
rmd160 b25c123b82662323cc2cc4a67096ece4a0da47d6
patchfiles patch-strings.c
reinplace "s|/usr/share/boost-build|${prefix}/share/boost-build|" \
reinplace "s|__CC__|${}|" ${worksrcpath}/
build.env LOCATE_TARGET=bin
build.args -s${}
xinstall -m 0755 ${worksrcpath}/bin/bjam ${destroot}${prefix}/bin
# Port netxx still expects to find program jam (removed in r13734)
xinstall -d -m 0755 ${destroot}${prefix}/lib/bjam/bin/
ln -s ${prefix}/bin/bjam ${destroot}${prefix}/lib/bjam/bin/jam
livecheck.regex "<title>${name} (.*) released.*</title>"