description A declarative debugger for Haskell 98 programs.
Buddha is a debugger for Haskell 98 programs. \
To be more precise, it is a declarative debugger. \
It presents the evaluation of a Haskell program as \
a series of equivalences, rather than the more \
traditional stepwise presentation of debuggers for \
master_sites ${homepage}/download
checksums md5 e662d5e2891d7d5e203c477723b62aa3
depends_build bin:ghc:ghc
depends_lib port:hs-readline
#bugs Buddha requires that the associated ghc be built \
# with profiling libraries. The is true for the ghc \
# installed by MacPorts, but might not be if you \
# installed ghc by a different route. \
# Not all of the system libraries have buddha-ized \
# versions, and buddha will fail to produce debugging \
# versions of programs that use these libraries.
notes "The buddha parser is not as smart as full haskell\
and sometimes requires a type signature to help it\
along. Try this if the original source file compiles\
but under buddha you get 'ambiguous type' errors."