maintainers { @danielluke}
description Tool for converting from CVS to subversion
#Actually it's CollabNet/ Apache-style license
#which is the same as the Apache license, but with CollabNet as the copyright holder
long_description cvs2svn is a Python script that converts a CVS \
repository to a Subversion repository. It is designed \
for one-time conversions, not for repeated \
synchronizations between CVS and Subversion.
checksums md5 4b93192e66302af9e537c6e33d80acc5 \
sha1 1194ac6ec70004409eea1fb2f0fce745318f1767 \
rmd160 62db8eb7b5d70ed42b47679bcb21237312e62135
xinstall -m 755 -d ${destroot}${prefix}/share/doc/${name}
xinstall -m 644 -W ${worksrcpath} BUGS CHANGES COMMITTERS COPYING \
cvs2bzr-example.options cvs2git-example.options cvs2hg-example.options \
cvs2svn-example.options HACKING README doc/design-notes.txt \
file copy ${worksrcpath}/www ${destroot}${prefix}/share/doc/${name}
variant python26 description {Use python 2.6} {
python.default_version 26
variant python27 description {Use python 2.7} {
python.default_version 27
if {![variant_isset python26]} {
default_variants +python27