maintainers {raimue @raimue}
description Compilation tools and libraries for ELF
BSD-licensed compilation tools and libaries for handling the ELF file \
format. This includes implementations of libelf and libdwarf along with \
the tools nm, ar, as, elfdump and more.
checksums rmd160 9e341f86573d80dd2b390d79cf82f239ecd279ff \
sha256 44f14591fcf21294387215dd7562f3fb4bec2f42f476cf32420a6bbabb2bd2b5
depends_build port:bmake \
depends_lib port:libarchive
patchfiles patch-mk.diff \
reinplace "s:@PREFIX@:${prefix}:g" ${worksrcpath}/mk/
build.cmd ${prefix}/bin/bmake
build.args CC=${} \
LIBDIR=${prefix}/lib/elftoolchain \
SHLIBDIR=${prefix}/lib/elftoolchain \
INCSDIR=${prefix}/include/elftoolchain \
MANDIR=${prefix}/share/man \
# Exclude test to avoid pulling in large build targets
build.args-append WITH_TESTS=no
# Exclude docs to avoid pulling in a full TeX distribution
build.args-append MKTEX=no
destroot.args prefix=${prefix} \
LIBDIR=${prefix}/lib/elftoolchain \
SHLIBDIR=${prefix}/lib/elftoolchain \
INCSDIR=${prefix}/include/elftoolchain \
MANDIR=${prefix}/share/man \
# Do not strip binaries as that leads to errors