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description GtkAda: a complete Ada graphical toolkit
GtkAda is an Ada95 graphical toolkit based on Gtk+, providing the complete set \
of Gtk+ widgets using the Object-Oriented features of this language. GtkAda \
supports the latest 2.14 stable releases.
homepage https://libre.adacore.com/GtkAda
master_sites sourceforge:gnuada
distfiles GtkAda-${version}-${epoch}.tar.bz2
worksrcdir GtkAda-${version}-${epoch}
patchfiles gtk-about_dialog.ads.diff
checksums md5 f8f3648632a6fbc97952b56fd0bf3309 \
sha1 451b5ecb9301a5d3055c5f0d2758f2b87564651a \
rmd160 b67f81d2356a3641ab743542e64aa92358cea8f4
depends_lib port:gnat-gcc
reinplace "s|^prefix=|prefix=\${DESTDIR}|g" ${worksrcpath}/Makefile
gmake prefix=${destroot}${prefix} install;