#bugs Now builds from a snapshot to be compatible with
# ghc-6.4. The previous 0.9.8 release was incompatible
# with the new library packing system introduced with
# 6.4, the Common Architecture for Builing Applications
# and Libraries (Cabal). Will track releases again once
# support for ghc-6.4 is introduced.
description A plugin library for Haskell
hs-plugins was originally designed as a system \
for replacing all the various configuration languages \
in existence (particularly mutt and vim) but developed \
to be very suitable for plugins in general.
homepage http://www.cse.unsw.edu.au/~dons/hs-plugins/hs-plugins.html
master_sites ftp://ftp.cse.unsw.edu.au/pub/users/dons/hs-plugins/snapshots
checksums md5 c53af7d0563a8473da41c940e20922f3
depends_build bin:ghc:ghc
patchfiles src_build.mk.patch
destroot.destdir PREFIX=${destroot}${prefix}
# start by unregistering old versions
system "cd ${worksrcpath} && ghc-pkg -r printf || true"
system "cd ${worksrcpath} && ghc-pkg -r eval || true"
system "cd ${worksrcpath} && ghc-pkg -r plugins || true"
system "cd ${worksrcpath} && ghc-pkg -r hi || true"
system "cd ${worksrcpath} && ghc-pkg -r altdata || true"
system "cd ${worksrcpath} && PREFIX=${prefix} LIBDIR=${prefix}/lib/${name} ghc-pkg -u < src/altdata/altdata.conf.in"
system "cd ${worksrcpath} && PREFIX=${prefix} LIBDIR=${prefix}/lib/${name} ghc-pkg -u < src/hi/hi.conf.in"
system "cd ${worksrcpath} && PREFIX=${prefix} LIBDIR=${prefix}/lib/${name} ghc-pkg -u < src/plugins/plugins.conf.in"
system "cd ${worksrcpath} && PREFIX=${prefix} LIBDIR=${prefix}/lib/${name} ghc-pkg -u < src/eval/eval.conf.in"
system "cd ${worksrcpath} && PREFIX=${prefix} LIBDIR=${prefix}/lib/${name} ghc-pkg -u < src/printf/printf.conf.in"
system "ranlib ${prefix}/lib/${name}/libHSplugins.a"
system "ranlib ${prefix}/lib/${name}/libHShi.a"
system "ranlib ${prefix}/lib/${name}/libHSaltdata.a"
system "ranlib ${prefix}/lib/${name}/libHSeval.a"
system "ranlib ${prefix}/lib/${name}/libHSprintf.a"