haskell.setup tf-random 0.5
checksums rmd160 bd58a02f7e68c4fd4e51591fa4ddad93d416d717 \
sha256 2e30cec027b313c9e1794d326635d8fc5f79b6bf6e7580ab4b00186dadc88510
depends_lib-append port:hs-primitive \
description High-quality splittable pseudorandom number generator
This package contains an implementation of a high-quality splittable \
pseudorandom number generator. The generator is based on a cryptographic \
hash function built on top of the ThreeFish block cipher. See the paper \
Splittable Pseudorandom Number Generators Using Cryptographic Hashing by \
Claessen, Pałka for details and the rationale of the design.