categories devel graphics x11
description SGI Open InventorTM graphics toolkit
long_description Open InventorTM is an object-oriented 3D toolkit offering a comprehensive \
solution to interactive graphics programming problems. It presents a \
programming model based on a 3D scene database that dramatically simplifies \
graphics programming. It includes a rich set of objects such as cubes, \
polygons, text, materials, cameras, lights, trackballs, handle boxes, 3D \
viewers, and editors that speed up your programming time and extend your \
3D programming capabilities.
checksums md5 82208096f1e0b111160e864e239c3a51
distname ${name}-${version}.src
depends_lib port:xorg-libXi \
patchfiles patch-BarChart-GNUmakefile.diff \
patch-Decal-GNUmakefile.diff \
patch-GeneralizedCylinder-GNUmakefile.diff \
patch-SceneViewer-GNUmakefile.diff \
patch-SoCalcParse.y.diff \
patch-SoGLTextureImageElement.c++.diff \
patch-drop-GNUmakefile.diff \
patch-flfreetype.h.diff \
patch-gview-GNUmakefile.diff \
patch-ivcat-GNUmakefile.diff \
patch-ivcommondefs.diff \
patch-ivcommonrules.diff \
patch-ivdowngrade-GNUmakefile.diff \
patch-ivfix-GNUmakefile.diff \
patch-ivinfo-GNUmakefile.diff \
patch-ivman-GNUmakefile.diff \
patch-ivview-GNUmakefile.diff \
patch-lib-GNUmakefile.diff \
patch-libSoXt-GNUmakefile.diff \ \
patch-maze-GNUmakefile.diff \
patch-noodle-GNUmakefile.diff \
patch-qmorf-GNUmakefile.diff \
patch-revo-GNUmakefile.diff \
patch-soxt-GNUmakefile.diff \
patch-textomatic-GNUmakefile.diff \
patch-widgets-GNUmakefile.componentTest.diff \
patch-SoGLwDrawA.c.diff \