# -*- Mode: Tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4
description An implementation of DLNA standards
long_description libdlna aims at being the reference open-source implementation of DLNA \
(Digital Living Network Alliance) standards. Its primary goal is to \
provide DLNA support to uShare, an embedded DLNA & UPnP A/V Media Server, \
but it will be used to build both DLNA servers and players in the long term.
depends_lib path:lib/libavcodec.dylib:ffmpeg
homepage http://libdlna.geexbox.org/
master_sites ${homepage}releases
checksums rmd160 6083bdcb7b5bc048f5b81373ef452145ba913861 \
sha256 4b2787392ea5ff61c0056bbaa0bb00a2c83d595d20b5658741658cddd17678c5
patchfiles patch-src-profiles.c.diff \
patch-src-upnp-dms.c.diff \
patchfiles-append patch-Makefile.diff
configure.cflags-append -I${prefix}/include
livecheck.url ${master_sites}
livecheck.regex "${name}-(\\d+(?:\\.\\d+)*)${extract.suffix}"