# Reciprocal Public License 1.1
description C++ header library
The C++ header library designed to bring the Macintosh \
into the world of modern generic programming, and deliver \
the surprising speed of SIMD in an intuitive cross-platform package.
homepage http://www.pixelglow.com/macstl/
master_sites http://www.pixelglow.com/downloads/
checksums md5 28288965464ed69718d616f7596939bb \
sha1 009e8ffdba976e3c09cbf3ff21091535771e86d9 \
rmd160 1485e24d9be7b5ed75ed62237208271d183edd86
patchfiles patch-macstl.xcodeproj-project.pbxproj
set xcode.configuration "\"Optimized for PowerPC and Intel\""
xcode.destroot.type framework
if {![variant_isset universal] && ![catch {exec machine} machine]} {
if {[regexp {ppc(7[45]|95)} $machine _ number]} {
switch [string index ${number} 0] {
if {[info exists model]} {
set xcode.configuration "\"Optimized for ${model}\""