# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4
github.setup mulle-nat mulle-xcode-to-cmake 0.6.6
description Tool to convert Xcode projects to cmake CMakeLists.txt
long_description ${description}
checksums rmd160 9dd0a848c9cf6dfd37c71690a6fabb4660661c80 \
sha256 4fd220aced07b15a4b7660158a97cb722ca8d47f5c4a80614a3f579d70e02c61 \
# replace containString, available only on 10.10 or later
if { ${os.platform} eq "darwin" && ${os.major} < 13 } {
patchfiles-append patch-containsString.diff
# delete unrecognized flags on gcc
if { ${os.platform} eq "darwin" && ${os.major} < 11 } {
patchfiles-append patch-strip-unrecognized-flags.diff
# the xcode project crashes on closing on Xcode less than 4.2
# so mulle-xcode-to-cmake was used to make it into a cmake build
# instead for this situation - just what it was designed for
if {[vercmp $xcodeversion 4.2] < 0} {
copy ${filespath}/CMakeLists.txt ${worksrcpath}
copy ${filespath}/CMakeSourcesAndHeaders.txt ${worksrcpath}
configure.cflags-append -DCURRENT_PROJECT_VERSION=${version}
set product ${worksrcpath}/../build/${name}
xcode.project mulle-xcode-to-cmake.xcodeproj
xcode.configuration Release
xcode.build.settings SYMROOT=build
xcode.target mulle-xcode-to-cmake
set product ${worksrcpath}/build/Release/${name}
copy ${product} ${destroot}${prefix}/bin