description WordGrinder, lightweight character-cell word processor designed for the console
long_description WordGrinder is a light-weight character-cell word processor designed for text\
entry on the console, supporting Unicode and styled text. It provides a clean,\
easy-to-use interface that gets out of your way and get the job done.
master_sites sourceforge:wordgrinder
checksums md5 1ae3bcf2fc4ee027bdd9518a73733505 \
sha1 8a15b99872ffd7317e0c654ab74157c0bc1164fa \
rmd160 939dde7b35964e7ba41898eee5fdedaa5396d60d
patchfiles patch-pmfile.diff
reinplace "s|@@DESTROOT@@|${destroot}|g" ${worksrcpath}/pmfile
reinplace "s|@@PREFIX@@|${prefix}|g" ${worksrcpath}/pmfile
#build.env-append LIBRARY_PATH=${prefix}/lib