description Globulation 2 - a free and innovative strategy game
long_description Globulation 2 is an innovative high quality Real-Time \
Strategy, which minimizes micro-management by \
automatically assigning tasks to the units. The player \
has to choose the number of units he wants for the \
different tasks, and the units will do their best to \
satisfy the requests. This allows to manage more units \
and to focus on the strategy. It can be played alone, \
through your Local Area Network, or through Internet \
thanks to Ysagoon Online Game, a meta-server. It also \
features a scripting language for versatile gameplay or \
tutorials and an integrated map editor.
checksums md5 e0483d5864cff4ace5ac8e39eae27429 \
sha1 669a43707cf03e4e810e77ef8bef2f46f1116090 \
rmd160 266edd6a57f1e8ea8e1effac3871f3c0083fc05f
path:lib/libspeex.dylib:speex \
patchfiles patch-SConstruct.diff
set buildoptions "BINDIR=\"${destroot}${prefix}/bin\" \
INSTALLDIR=\"${destroot}${prefix}/share\" \
DATADIR=\"${prefix}/share/glob2\" \
CXXFLAGS=\"-I${prefix}/include\" \
# The destroot directories must be created here so scons can find them
xinstall -d ${destroot}${prefix}/bin
xinstall -d ${destroot}${prefix}/share
build.cmd ${prefix}/bin/scons $buildoptions