# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4
maintainers puffin.lb.shuttle.de:michael.klein mk
description Use your Garmin GPS with Linux/Mac OS X
long_description QLandkarte GT is the ultimate outdoor aficionado's tool. It \
supports GPS maps in GeoTiff format as well as Garmin's img \
vector map format. Additional it is the PC side front end to \
QLandkarte M, a moving map application for mobile devices.
homepage http://www.qlandkarte.org/
master_sites sourceforge:project/qlandkartegt/qlandkartegt/QLandkarteGT%20${version}
checksums rmd160 df5f6f9e3cdf000ba9fc312d56ece7338dacf13e \
sha256 9e0605ab8f4cbd27741b507f252f08370e9ccca4e05ec35878256c59b22a9be7
depends_lib port:libexif \
port:qt4-mac-sqlite3-plugin \
patchfiles patch-src-main.cpp.diff
copy "${destroot.dir}/bin/QLandkarte GT.app" ${destroot}${applications_dir}
livecheck.regex ${name}-(\[0-9.\]+)${extract.suffix}