# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4
set branch [join [lrange [split ${version} .] 0 1] .]
# Online documentation on the 3.14 release:
# http://www.kitware.com/news/home/browse/ITK?2009_05_28&ITK+3.14+Released
# http://www.itk.org/Wiki/ITK_Release_3.14
categories graphics math science devel
description Insight Segmentation and Registration Toolkit (ITK)
ITK is an open-source software toolkit for performing registration and segmentation. Segmentation is the process of identifying and classifying data found in a digitally sampled representation. Typically the sampled representation is an image acquired from such medical instrumentation as CT or MRI scanners. Registration is the task of aligning or developing correspondences between data. For example, in the medical environment, a CT scan may be aligned with a MRI scan in order to combine the information contained in both.
homepage http://www.itk.org/
master_sites sourceforge:itk
distname InsightToolkit-${branch}
distfiles InsightToolkit-${version}.tar.gz \
checksums InsightToolkit-${version}.tar.gz \
md5 7edcef07ff67684e1b93e51da5a2ca55 \
sha1 f6e3c6655c207f09fe6f2a4a3bf3cbd6999c0b89 \
rmd160 b3d630b682695bb58b8401def4872d89c427812d \
CableSwig-ITK-${version}.tar.gz \
md5 2e92685c3a9f88639f1c0620382792c4 \
sha1 b7bfc1a3adf8e5849ac19a71a6ad6ef01ee5eb47 \
rmd160 806b3fe31901b23e2350d9a8590c0bad97927939 \
extract.only InsightToolkit-${version}.tar.gz \
depends_build port:cmake \
depends_lib port:ossp-uuid
# Use gmake and build in a separate directory from the source
build.dir ${workpath}/${distname}-build
# The parallel build would be nice, but it's not reliable.
# Global variables, used in variants, where a destroot prefix is appended,
# when necessary. There are numerous default build assumptions in both cmake
# and ITK that use the 'InsightToolkit' name, and many post-destroot hacks in