description GGI extension for windowed targets
LibGGIWMH is an extension for GGI targets that \
are window system based to allow access to things \
like setting the title bar, resizing, etc..
master_sites ${homepage}ftp/ggi/v2.2/ \
distname ${name}-${version}.src
checksums md5 5f47aad2a8e224a09e90f3f0073c3c11 \
sha1 7b334358f375943f511a3208347f05e268545192 \
rmd160 b3bddfaac1e4375ff75e0ee5e7ac6cd19a7ee49c
worksrcdir ${name}-${version}
reinplace "s|need_relink=yes|need_relink=no|" \
configure.args --mandir=${prefix}/share/man
if {([variant_isset universal] && [string match *64* $universal_archs])
|| (![variant_isset universal] && [string match *64 $build_arch])} {
# uses carbon window manager functions with no 64-bit version
configure.args-append --disable-quartz