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# Download distfiles from GitHub mirror because fetching from svn keeps being
github.setup chneukirchen netpbm-mirror d9c9d6a198247612248ad094ed7d40dcd4fa9031
set source_branch advanced
set userguide_branch userguide
set userguide_commit a615465999de69b20b7d4b2981477a90b6cc3db3
set userguide_revision 3264
platforms darwin freebsd linux
maintainers {ryandesign @ryandesign} openmaintainer
license {BSD GPL-2 IJG Permissive}
description Image manipulation
long_description A whole bunch of utilities for primitive manipulation \
of graphic images. Wide array of converters from one \
graphics format to another, e.g. from g3 fax format to \
jpeg. Many basic graphics editing tools such as \
homepage http://netpbm.sourceforge.net/
distname ${source_branch}-r${svn.revision}
set source_distfile ${distfiles}
set userguide_distname ${userguide_branch}-r${userguide_revision}
set userguide_distfile ${userguide_distname}${extract.suffix}
distfiles ${source_distfile}:source \
master_sites ${github.master_sites}:source \
checksums ${source_distfile} \
rmd160 087641f57d7f026b170a048f959f1b47ff976ad2 \
sha256 990ff2990b5c3d74836e1c8e3260df43fab26f2055dc6e7700e881816e5b4de5 \
rmd160 26efce8546e277d3ee6efe069c61ec57d7a76121 \
sha256 94d30ead9ab14d95bcb26cd27ed0fa1256d6a610a85f8b8cbbce7030256564e5 \
move ${workpath}/${github.author}-${github.project}-[string range ${git.branch} 0 6] ${workpath}/${distname}
move ${workpath}/${github.author}-${github.project}-[string range ${userguide_commit} 0 6] ${workpath}/${userguide_distname}
# Delete the manpages that aren't for this subport.
set libmanpages {libnetpbm pam pbm pgm pnm ppm}
foreach f [glob ${workpath}/${userguide_distname}/*.html] {
if {([lsearch -exact ${libmanpages} [file rootname [file tail ${f}]]] == -1) == (${subport} ne ${name})} {