# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4
PortSystem 1.0
PortGroup cmake 1.0
PortGroup github 1.0
# see #47197
cmake.out_of_source yes
github.setup uclouvain openjpeg 2.3.0 v
categories graphics
platforms darwin
license BSD
maintainers {mcalhoun @MarcusCalhoun-Lopez} openmaintainer
description Library for manipulating JPEG-2000 images
long_description The OpenJPEG library is an open-source JPEG 2000 codec. \
It has been developed in order to promote the use of JPEG \
2000, the new still-image compression standard from the \
Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG).
homepage http://www.openjpeg.org/
checksums rmd160 902b0b280ea53600896ce023dfa14a04b7927cec \
sha256 ca1bd99d20de407d649310b873aeae9b10206b54347134d5cb03c33baba3dc68
depends_build-append \
depends_lib port:libpng \
port:tiff \
port:lcms2 \
port:zlib \
configure.cppflags-replace -I${prefix}/include -isystem${prefix}/include
pre-activate {
# openjpeg < 1.5.0 accidentally installed items directly into
# ${prefix}/share/man bypassing ${destroot}; remove them if found.
foreach m {man1/image_to_j2k.1.gz man1/j2k_dump.1.gz man1/j2k_to_image.1.gz man3/libopenjpeg.3.gz} {
set filepath ${prefix}/share/man/${m}
if {[file exists ${filepath}] && [registry_file_registered ${filepath}] == "0"} {
if {[catch {delete ${filepath}}]} {
ui_warn "Cannot delete ${filepath}; please remove it manually"