description IRC Bot written in Perl with a rabid AI
long_description The infobot connects to an Internet Relay Chat (IRC) server, joins \
some channels (maybe), and begins accumulating factoids. To run one, \
download the source, uncompress it, untar it, edit the config files, \
master_sites ${homepage}src/
checksums md5 897a005182928613eadd30c267ce9c5b
xinstall ${filespath}/ ${destroot}${prefix}/bin/infobot
reinplace "s|@PREFIX@|${prefix}|g" ${destroot}${prefix}/bin/infobot
xinstall -d ${destroot}${prefix}/share
copy ${worksrcpath} ${destroot}${prefix}/share/infobot
# infobot @0.45.3_0 installed files outside the destroot; remove them if found
foreach file {bin/infobot} {
set filepath ${prefix}/${file}
if {[file exists ${filepath}] && [registry_file_registered ${filepath}] == "0"} {
if {[catch {delete ${filepath}}]} {
ui_warn "Cannot delete ${filepath}; please remove it manually"