description Relational database implemented entirely in Java
long_description Apache Derby, an Apache DB subproject, is an open \
source relational database implemented entirely in \
Java and available under the Apache License, Version \
2.0. Some key advantages include: 1) Derby has a \
small footprint -- about 2 megabytes for the base \
engine and embedded JDBC driver. 2) Derby is based \
on the Java, JDBC, and SQL standards. 3) Derby \
provides an embedded JDBC driver that lets you \
embed Derby in any Java-based solution. 4) Derby \
also supports the more familiar client/server mode \
with the Derby Network Client JDBC driver and Derby \
Network Server. 5) Derby is easy to install, deploy, \
master_sites apache:db/derby/db-${name}-${version}
distname db-${name}-${version}-bin
checksums md5 32d81d803fd8ce449205dda1405ef6d3 \
sha1 3d9e4f7b54e28c741277a41589ff8cd6ed74a07c \
sha256 2f84bcddfd54aaab08aea431c93b8bf24b731aa343434923042ef57d6c6d8b30
depends_lib bin:java:kaffe
set sharedir ${destroot}${prefix}/share
set man1dir ${sharedir}/man/man1
set derbydir ${sharedir}/derby
set docderbydir ${sharedir}/doc/derby
# Ensure needed directories
xinstall -d -m 755 ${sharedir}/java ${docderbydir}
file copy ${worksrcpath} ${derbydir}
foreach f { dblook ij sysinfo } {
xinstall -m 755 ${filespath}/${f} ${destroot}${prefix}/bin/${f}
reinplace "s|@PREFIX@|${prefix}|" ${destroot}${prefix}/bin/${f}
foreach f { KEYS LICENSE NOTICE RELEASE-NOTES.html docs index.html javadoc } {
ln -s ../../derby/${f} ${docderbydir}/${f}
foreach f [ glob -tails -directory ${derbydir}/lib *.\[jw\]ar ] {
ln -s ../derby/lib/${f} ${sharedir}/java/${f}