# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4
maintainers {@breun breun.nl:nils} openmaintainer
description Open Java Development Kit 10
long_description Production-ready, free and open-source build of the Java \
Development Kit, an implementation of the Java Standard \
Edition (SE) 10 Platform. OpenJDK is the official reference \
implementation of Java SE. Included components are the \
HotSpot virtual machine, the Java class library and the Java \
homepage http://jdk.java.net/10/
master_sites https://download.java.net/java/GA/jdk10/${version}/fb4372174a714e6b8c52526dc134031e/10/
distname openjdk-${version}_osx-x64_bin
checksums rmd160 00a1a8a0e63901ecdea7d013f8307ea601e83a55 \
sha256 650e06c203a9d2752d686dc62206580afdc909af924b7ea8573b1c671e182ab0 \
worksrcdir jdk-${version}.jdk
# macOS Java tools expect to find Java virtual machines under /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines, which is not under ${prefix}.
destroot.violate_mtree yes
set target ${destroot}/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines
xinstall -m 755 -d ${target}
copy ${worksrcpath} ${target}
livecheck.url ${homepage}
livecheck.regex "Java Development Kit, version (\\d+(?:\\.\\d+)*(?:-\\d+)?)"