# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4; truncate-lines: t -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4
# Future GPL versions must be approved by KDE
description Amarok, the world-renowned media player.
long_description Amarok is a music player and manager with an intuitive \
interface. It provides a variety of feature which helps \
to discover and manage your music.
homepage https://amarok.kde.org/
master_sites kde:stable/${name}/${version}/src/
checksums rmd160 89b8e3a56390dc240efc7dddd8e97ac9e4a03127 \
sha256 a91280e588181cf9363d7146f339ef527220fe0c8057f26f010f592b01fdd2c0
configure.args-append -DKDE4_BUILD_TESTS=OFF
depends_lib-append port:kde4-runtime port:kdelibs4 \
port:qtscriptgenerator port:liblastfm \
port:taglib port:taglib-extras \
port:loudmouth port:qca port:libmtp port:libgpod
patchfiles patch-src-app_mac.cpp.diff \
# prototype for 'Dynamic::BiasPtr Dynamic::AbstractBiasFactory::createFromXml(QCoreXmlStreamReader*)' does not match any in class 'Dynamic::AbstractBiasFactory'
reinplace "s|@PREFIX@|${prefix}|g" \
conflicts mysql55 mysql56 mariadb55 percona55 \
description {build with mysql51 port} {
depends_lib-append port:mysql51
reinplace "s|@MYSQL@|mysql51|g" \
conflicts mysql51 mysql56 mariadb55 percona55 \
description {build with mysql55 port} {
depends_lib-append port:mysql55
reinplace "s|@MYSQL@|mysql55|g" \