# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4
maintainers {nicos @NicosPavlov}
license LGPL-2+ GPL-2+ BSD
description KDE4 core libraries
long_description Core libraries for KDE4 applications to function
homepage https://www.kde.org
master_sites kde:stable/${version}/src/
distname kdelibs-${version}
checksums rmd160 f0dd628eec72c52f4dd8426a2de47d75e629ff31 \
sha256 f8206da1106184ef0bd031b82701c4910b8dade331c4cdaf1cd9c6c5208cfd9e \
#No binary links to openssl libraries, apart from libkio.dylib at
#runtime if required. As libkio.dylib code is purely LGPL, there is no
#conflict with openssl license
license_noconflict openssl
depends_build-append port:flex port:gmake port:docbook-xsl-ns
depends_lib-append port:bzip2 port:zlib \
port:strigi port:gettext \
port:pcre port:shared-mime-info \
port:jasper port:openexr \
path:lib/pkgconfig/glib-2.0.pc:glib2 \
path:lib/libssl.dylib:openssl port:enchant \
port:aspell port:aspell-dict-en \
port:libxml2 port:libxslt \
port:dbusmenu-qt port:docbook-xml \
port:docbook-xsl-nons port:grantlee \
port:kerberos5 port:bison \
port:shared-desktop-ontologies \
# the aspell dictionaries are just files
depends_skip_archcheck aspell-dict-en
#workaround-kdeinit4-crash: Mac-specific patch developed by Macports to circumvent some crashes.
#default-kde4-xdg-menu-prefix: solves a conflict with a file from gnome-menus (see ticket #18914)
#add-bundles-to-path: improve support for KIO slaves by adding a search path
#kapplications-raster: ensures that kde applications start in raster (faster) mode, but also provides a switch for non-working applications
#removeFindFlex: remove FindFlex.cmake which may hide the working one of cmake (ticket #44119)
#cmake-modules-FindKDE4-Internal.cmake: Fixes zlib detection (see ticket #24128)
#nativeDialogs: Use native mac dialogs (see https://reviewboard.kde.org/r/119243/)
#KdePreferences: Handles menus to be closer to standard Mac layout (see https://reviewboard.kde.org/r/120149/)
#patch-ui-CMakeLists: Fix build for cmake 3.9