github.setup rene0 bf2c 1.3.1
description optimizing BrainF*ck to C compiler
BrainF*ck is a minimalistic but Turing complete programming language \
devised by Urban Mueller. It is oriented around a tape, a read/write \
head, an input device and an output device. This program converts \
Brainf*ck source into C, while attempting to optimize.
checksums rmd160 cb8b19c11c9e420977043337393825329f229110 \
sha256 7a67397874f5229b8a1dbf784c7082a90da552d08bd2d471a7febc25960b44e8
patchfiles Makefile.patch \
build.env CC=${} CXX=${configure.cxx} \
"CFLAGS=${configure.cflags} ${configure.cc_archflags}" \
"CXXFLAGS=${configure.cxxflags} ${configure.cxx_archflags}"
destroot.env PREFIX=${prefix}
patchfiles-append strndup.patch