PortSystem 1.0
name haskell-mode.el
version 2.4
categories lang editors
license GPL-3+
maintainers nomaintainer
platforms darwin
supported_archs noarch
description An emacs major mode for editing haskell programs.
long_description \
Haskell-mode is a major Emacs mode for editing \
Haskell source code. It provides syntax highlighting \
and automatic indentation and comes with inf-haskell \
which allows interaction with an inferior Haskell \
interactive loop such as the one of Hugs or GHCi.
distname haskell-mode-${version}
homepage http://www.iro.umontreal.ca/~monnier/elisp/
master_sites ${homepage}
checksums md5 de5ff32478154a39bea3adb3b7ce0e94
depends_lib port:emacs
depends_run port:ghc
worksrcdir ${distname}
post-patch { reinplace s|ghci-program-path|${prefix}/bin/ghci|g ${worksrcpath}/inf-haskell.el }
use_configure no
build {}
destroot { file mkdir ${destroot}${prefix}/share/emacs/site-lisp
file copy ${workpath}/${worksrcdir} \
post-activate { ui_msg "To use this, put the following into your ~/.emacs:"
ui_msg "(load \"${prefix}/share/emacs/site-lisp/${distname}/haskell-site-file\")"
ui_msg "(add-hook 'haskell-mode-hook 'turn-on-haskell-doc-mode)"
ui_msg "(add-hook 'haskell-mode-hook 'turn-on-haskell-indent)"
ui_msg "(add-hook 'haskell-mode-hook 'font-lock-mode)"
ui_msg "(add-hook 'haskell-mode-hook 'imenu-add-menubar-index)"
ui_msg " "