maintainers { @pmoura}
platforms darwin freebsd linux
description Logtalk - Open source object-oriented logic programming language
long_description Logtalk is an object-oriented logic programming language that extends and \
leverages the Prolog language with a feature set suitable for programming \
in the large. Logtalk supports modern code encapsulation and code reuse \
mechanisms without compromising the declarative programming features of \
Prolog. Logtalk is implemented in highly portable code and can use most \
modern and standards compliant Prolog implementations as a back-end \
compiler. As a multi-paradigm language, it includes support for modules, \
prototypes, classes, protocols (interfaces), categories (components and \
hot patching), event-driven programming, and high-level multi-threading \
programming. Its distribution uses a commercial friendly license and \
includes full documentation, portable libraries, a comprehensive set of \
portable developer tools, and a large number of programming examples to \
master_sites ${homepage}files/
checksums rmd160 0c5747c369c74293d3bcb91aec972b24ffc1fbdc \
sha256 aa7211e97d1a2cf975d3b4bc52df990c34646bbc4dc478569354ad5786c01112 \
depends_lib port:shared-mime-info
system -W ${worksrcpath}/scripts "./ -p ${destroot}${prefix}"
delete ${destroot}${prefix}/share/mime
set resources ${workpath}/${name}-${version}.pkg/Contents/Resources/
file copy -force -- ${workpath}/${worksrcdir}/scripts/macosx/License.html ${resources}
file copy -force -- ${workpath}/${worksrcdir}/scripts/macosx/ReadMe.html ${resources}
file copy -force -- ${workpath}/${worksrcdir}/scripts/macosx/Welcome.html ${resources}
file copy -force -- ${workpath}/${worksrcdir}/scripts/macosx/postflight ${resources}
ui_msg "****************************************************************************"
ui_msg "* Integration scripts have been created for running Logtalk with selected"