# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4
homepage https://mozart.github.io
description Mozart-Oz multiparadigms programming language.
long_description The Mozart system is a development platform focused on open \
distributed computing and constraint-based inferrence. \
The system provides excellent support for logic and \
constraint programming, making it an excellent choice \
for implementing multi-agent systems. The language has \
recently been popularized by the book "Concepts, \
Techniques, and Models of Computer Progamming."
depends_build port:flex port:gdbm port:gmp port:zlib
master_sites sourceforge:project/mozart-oz/v1/${version}-${urldate}-tar/
distname ${name}-${version}.${tardate}-src
checksums md5 d34156dce23a84925f7eae121feb3afe \
sha1 5a12a1d66c871f01dc1223aa614d4e0bf7717b3f \
rmd160 090c0af3cba9db422c58c37d5fa3e703c8cc82d7
patchfiles patch-share-bin-oz.in \
patch-platform_dss_configure.ac \
patch-platform_emulator_Makefile.in \
worksrcdir ${name}-${version}.${tardate}
configure.args --prefix=${prefix}/share/mozart \
--enable-modules-static \
autoconf.dir ${worksrcpath}/platform/dss
# endless errors in 64-bit due to casting from pointer to int
# and it doesn't consistently use cxxflags
if {[variant_isset universal]} {
set archflags ${configure.universal_cxxflags}
set archflags ${configure.cxx_archflags}
if {[vercmp [macports_version] 2.5.99] >= 0} {
configure.env-append CPU_FLAGS=${archflags}
configure.env-append CPU_FLAGS="${archflags}"
configure.cxx ${configure.cxx} {*}${archflags}
configure.args-append --with-cxx="${configure.cxx}"