# Has inline asm only for these archs
license MIT MPL-1.1 APSL-2 {Artistic-1 GPL-2}
description Newt/0 is a NewtonScript compiler and interpreter.
homepage http://trac.so-kukan.com/newt/
master_sites macports:pguyot
checksums md5 9a0e35026507b16ee46ffc503c74d7bf \
sha1 b1add600a51b82425f87cf761e2f3988cb025616 \
rmd160 8c5be8606a9de941c1b36af052dc82e88c15e01b
Newt/0 is an opensource implementation of a NewtonScript compiler \
and interpreter. The language comes with Cocoa bindings. The \
compat variant can be used to generate NewtonScript bytecode that \
can then be executed on the Apple Newton.
patchfiles patch-configure.diff
configure.args-append --enable-contrib
variant compat description {Enable compatibility mode} {
configure.args-delete --enable-contrib
configure.args-append --enable-compat
depends_lib-delete port:libffi