# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4
description Anti-Spam SMTP Proxy (ASSP) Server
long_description The Anti-Spam SMTP Proxy (ASSP) Server is an open \
source, platform-independent SMTP Proxy server which \
implements whitelists and Bayesian filtering to rid \
the planet of the blight of unsolicited email (UCE). \
UCE must be stopped at the SMTP server. Anti-spam \
tools must be adaptive to new spam and customized \
for each site?s mail patterns. This free, \
easy-to-use tool works with any mail transport and \
achieves these goals requiring no operator \
intervention after the initial setup phase.
homepage http://assp.sourceforge.net/
checksums md5 55be31bab3efacc6bd964adf8cd25c83
set assp_base ${prefix}/var/assp
file rename "${worksrcpath}/ASSP Documentation.htm" ${worksrcpath}/ASSPDocumentation.htm
file rename "${worksrcpath}/Regular Expression Tutorial.htm" ${worksrcpath}/RegularExpressionTutorial.htm
foreach file [glob -directory ${worksrcpath} *.pl *.sh *.htm *.txt rc/*.dat] {
reinplace -locale C "s%\r%%" $file
patchfiles patch-assp.pl.diff
reinplace "s%^#!.*perl%#!${prefix}/bin/perl%" \
${worksrcpath}/move2num.pl \
${worksrcpath}/rebuildspamdb.pl \
${worksrcpath}/repair.pl \
reinplace -locale C "s%/usr/local/assp%${assp_base}%" \
${worksrcpath}/ASSPDocumentation.htm \
${worksrcpath}/stats.sh \
${worksrcpath}/rc/assp.dat \
${worksrcpath}/rc/start.dat \
reinplace -locale C "s%/usr/local%${prefix}%" \
add_users assp group=assp realname=ASSP\ Proxy home=${prefix}/var/assp