# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4
PortSystem 1.0
set my_name gnupg
name ${my_name}1
version 1.4.23
revision 1
categories mail security
license GPL-3+
installs_libs no
maintainers {ionic @Ionic} openmaintainer
description GNU Privacy Guard version 1.4
long_description GnuPG is a complete and free replacement for PGP. Because \
it does not use the patented IDEA algorithm, it can be used \
without any restrictions. GnuPG is a RFC4880 (OpenPGP) \
compliant application.
platforms darwin freebsd sunos
distname ${my_name}-${version}
master_sites ${my_name}:${my_name}
conflicts ${my_name}2
use_bzip2 yes
checksums rmd160 087c494ff78bd1e85873ac383e0c6e236b6a9869 \
sha256 c9462f17e651b6507848c08c430c791287cd75491f8b5a8b50c6ed46b12678ba \
size 3749353
configure.args --infodir=${prefix}/share/info \
--disable-asm \
--with-libiconv-prefix=${prefix} \
--with-libintl-prefix=${prefix} \
--with-zlib=${prefix} \
--with-bzip2=${prefix} \
--with-libusb=${prefix} \
--with-ldap=${prefix} \
depends_lib port:libiconv \
port:gettext \
port:readline \
port:zlib \
port:bzip2 \
port:libusb-compat \
port:openldap \
port:curl yes
test.dir ${worksrcpath}/checks check
# clang defaults to c99, and gnupg doesn't play nicely
if {[string match *clang* ${configure.compiler}]} {
configure.cflags-append -std=gnu89
platform sunos {
configure.args-delete --disable-asm
notes {
This port is the legacy 1.4 release of GnuPG.