description ProxSMTP is a filtering SMTP proxy daemon
long_description ProxSMTP is a flexible tool that allows you to reject, \
change or log email based on arbitrary critera. It accepts \
SMTP connections and forwards the SMTP commands and responses \
to another SMTP server. The 'DATA' email body is intercepted \
and filtered before forwarding.
checksums md5 59daa6a81ccad7a31234a0a125522b2c
configure.args --mandir=${prefix}/share/man
xinstall -m 755 -d ${destroot}${prefix}/var/run
xinstall -m 644 ${worksrcpath}/doc/proxsmtpd.conf \
destroot.keepdirs ${destroot}${prefix}/var/run
set pidfile ${prefix}/var/run/ ProxSMTP
"if \[ -r ${prefix}/etc/proxsmtpd.conf \]; then
${prefix}/sbin/proxsmtpd -p ${pidfile} -f ${prefix}/etc/proxsmtpd.conf
"if \[ -r ${pidfile} \]; then