description Set of procmail recipies which handle known/suspected spam
long_description The Spam Bouncer is a set of procmail recipes, or instructions, which \
search the headers and text of your incoming email to see if it meets \
one or more of several categories (known addresses, rogue ISPs, bulk \
The Spam Bouncer sorts suspected spam into two categories -- mail from \
known spam sources which is definitely spam, and other mail which is \
probably spam, but might also be legitimate. It then tags this email \
with appropriate headers giving the spam classification, and responds \
according to the parameters you have set.
master_sites ${homepage}
checksums md5 e6b2c0be71ac2fc3a0dfa76909f85491
dist_subdir ${name}/${version}
depends_run bin:procmail:procmail
patchfiles patch-procmail.rc
file mkdir ${worksrcpath}
extract.dir ${worksrcpath}
system "cp -pr ${workpath}/${name} \
${destroot}${prefix}/share/${name} "
reinplace "s=%%SBDIR%%=${prefix}/share/${name}=" \
xinstall -m 755 -d ${destroot}${prefix}/share/doc/${name}
xinstall -m 644 -c ${filespath}/index.shtml \