description A Firefox-User-Agent generator for Privoxy and Mozilla \
long_description uagen generates a fake Firefox User-Agent and writes it \
into a Privoxy action file as parameter for Privoxy's \
hide-user-agent action. Operating system, architecture, \
platform, language and build date are randomized. \
The generated language is also used as parameter for the \
hide-accept-language action which is understood by \
Privoxy since version 3.0.5 beta. Additionally the \
User-Agent can be written into prefs.js files which are \
used by many Mozilla browsers.
checksums md5 264afeb70c91c0728cb9c807205dc819 \
sha1 875440c42b63f34f46bc773e7ed88556f5b3e0e5 \
rmd160 3a058c05c455c038b60f0fe43d29a9a617e45f82
# Copy the fetched script to ${worksrcpath}. Drop the extension so it
# can be installed with xinstall in destroot.
copy ${distpath}/${distfiles} ${worksrcpath}/uagen
reinplace "s|/usr|${prefix}|g" ${worksrcpath}/uagen
# Use paths in ${prefix} for uagen.
reinplace -E "s|(/var/log/uagen.log)|${prefix}\\1|" \
reinplace -E "s|(/etc/privoxy/user-agent.action)|${prefix}\\1|" \
xinstall ${worksrcpath}/uagen ${destroot}${prefix}/bin
livecheck.url ${master_sites}
livecheck.regex "'uagen (\\d+(?:\\.\\d+)*)'"