description A computer algebra program for Lie group calculations
LiE is a computer algebra system that is specialised in \
computations involving (reductive) Lie groups and their \
distfiles conLiE${extract.suffix}
checksums md5 b6af27a24fd2ee39c7a15a7f5927af91 \
sha1 92eb9283868cc46ae0b87c4dfd6f13631e046bee
depends_lib port:readline
post-extract { system "chmod 775 ${worksrcpath}" }
patchfiles patch-Makefile all script INFO.a
destroot { set liedestlib ${destroot}${prefix}/lib/${name}-${version}
file copy ${worksrcpath}/Lie.exe ${liedestlib}
file copy ${worksrcpath}/INFO.0 ${liedestlib}
file copy ${worksrcpath}/INFO.1 ${liedestlib}
file copy ${worksrcpath}/INFO.2 ${liedestlib}
file copy ${worksrcpath}/INFO.3 ${liedestlib}
file copy ${worksrcpath}/INFO.4 ${liedestlib}
file copy ${worksrcpath}/INFO.a ${liedestlib}
file copy ${worksrcpath}/INFO.ind ${liedestlib}
file copy ${worksrcpath}/LEARN ${liedestlib}
file copy ${worksrcpath}/LEARN.ind ${liedestlib}
set liedestbin ${destroot}${prefix}/bin
file copy ${worksrcpath}/lie_script ${liedestbin}/lie
reinplace "s|actual directory gets substituted here|${prefix}/lib/${name}-${version}|" ${liedestbin}/lie
system "chmod +x ${liedestbin}/lie"