# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4
checksums md5 1291723299cad53df3d01029e0e838a4 \
sha1 bf52a2d7d879115fbcb3d97a6a206ea1f9be723c \
rmd160 6d3e2e5dfceef8fc26cb4a9396f84b3190dbab46 \
sha256 83b34b649c3b0448cd3be903d3dd0706bbb7c9a732709106844fbfeaa4d5d435 \
github.setup acl2-devel ${name}-devel ${version}
github.tarball_from releases
maintainers {ijackson @JacksonIsaac} openmaintainer
description Applicative Common Lisp / A Computational Logic
ACL2 (Applicative Common Lisp / A Computational \
Logic) is the successor to nqthm, the Boyer-Moore \
ACL2 can be used to automatically or semi-automatically \
prove theorems and has been used extensively in real \
applications (e.g., proving the correctness of certain \
calculations in the floating point unit of the AMD K5 \
ACL2 is a very large, multipurpose system. \
You can use it as a programming language, \
a specification language, a modeling language, \
a formal mathematical logic, or a semi-automatic \
theorem prover. Because the meta-language is the same \
as the language (a subset of Common Lisp), it is very \
notes "Users who want to use ACL2 for serious work should
install the certify variant (sudo port install +certify),
which will certify (i.e., prove all of the theorems)
in the included examples. This can take several hours.
homepage http://www.cs.utexas.edu/users/moore/acl2/${shortversion}
distname ${name}-${version}
set heap_image "saved_acl2.core"
set heap_image_nonstd "saved_acl2r.core"
set run_script "saved_acl2"
set run_script_nonstd "saved_acl2r"
# There is no universal binary for acl2, because there is no universal