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PortSystem 1.0
name dvdauthor
version 0.7.2
categories multimedia
platforms darwin
maintainers { @robbyn}
license GPL-2+
description A simple set of tools to help author a DVD.
long_description \
A simple set of tools to help you author a DVD. The idea is to be \
able to create menus, buttons, chapters, etc, but for now you can \
just take an mpeg stream (as created by mplex -f 8 from mjpegtools \
1.6.0) and write it to DVD.
master_sites sourceforge:dvdauthor
checksums rmd160 8e97697cb81d4c3b454961221c8c1aab4ddc7f59 \
sha256 3020a92de9f78eb36f48b6f22d5a001c47107826634a785a62dfcd080f612eb7 \
size 648305
depends_build port:pkgconfig
depends_lib port:libdvdread \
port:fribidi \
port:libxml2 \
port:bzip2 \
port:zlib \
port:libpng \
port:libiconv \
port:freetype \
port:fontconfig \
worksrcdir ${name}
installs_libs no