PortSystem 1.0
name antinat
version 0.90
revision 1
categories net
license GPL-2
platforms darwin
description A powerful, configurable and flexible SOCKS server
long_description \
Antinat is a flexible SOCKS server and client library for writing \
proxy-based applications. It supports SOCKS 4, SOCKS 4a, SOCKS 5, \
authentication, CHAP, XML firewalling, Win32, server chaining, and \
UDP. It also contains very experimental IPv6 support.\
SOCKS can be used to overcome some limitations of NAT, including \
facilities for allowing connectbacks and server-side DNS. Antinat \
aims to be fully standards compliant, feature rich, and have a solid \
API for writing standards-compliant client applications.
maintainers nomaintainer
homepage http://antinat.sourceforge.net/
master_sites sourceforge
use_bzip2 yes
checksums md5 ec8980e86d23eb67bc370510791044d6 \
sha1 28effac745908e09b1c9458fab2cb4df856d1522 \
rmd160 5af3120844025acf4ecbb1ed26490e2065701d83
depends_lib port:expat
configure.args --infodir=\\\${prefix}/share/info --mandir=\\\${prefix}/share/man
destroot.destdir prefix=${destroot}${prefix}
post-destroot {
set antinat_conf ${prefix}/etc/${name}.xml
move ${destroot}${antinat_conf} ${destroot}${antinat_conf}.example
startupitem.create yes
startupitem.name ${name}
startupitem.executable ${prefix}/bin/${name}