maintainers { @danielluke}
platforms darwin freebsd sunos
description Domain Name System server
long_description The BIND DNS Server is used on the vast majority of name \
serving machines on the Internet, providing a robust \
and stable architecture on top of which an \
organization's naming architecture can be built. The \
resolver library included in the BIND distribution \
provides the standard APIs for translation between domain names \
and Internet addresses and is intended to be linked with applications \
master_sites isc:${name}/${version}
checksums rmd160 bbfc7901afad2f2bcfa1d0515fd4eac01539da5e \
sha256 0e80762631258e1c193552efa7c56c05ec5e8c2f98e4b2a3b91a61fd8d96b938 \
depends_lib path:lib/libssl.dylib:openssl port:libxml2
patchfiles-append gssapi-link.patch
startupitem.netchange yes
startupitem.executable ${prefix}/sbin/named -u named -f
add_users named group=named
configure.args --mandir=${prefix}/share/man \
--with-openssl=${prefix} \
--with-libxml2=${prefix} \
configure.args-append --with-dlopen=no \
configure.args-append --with-dlopen=no