--- netcat.c.orig 2005-10-19 03:42:05.000000000 +1000
+++ netcat.c 2008-07-04 23:30:26.000000000 +1000
-#ifdef HAVE_SELECT_H /* random SV variants need this */
/* have to do this *before* including types.h. xxx: Linux still has it wrong */
#ifdef FD_SETSIZE /* should be in types.h, butcha never know. */
#define FD_SETSIZE 16 /* <-- this'll give us a long anyways, wtf */
#include <sys/types.h> /* *now* do it. Sigh, this is broken */
+#ifdef HAVE_SELECT_H /* random SV variants need this */
#ifdef HAVE_RANDOM /* aficionados of ?rand48() should realize */
#define SRAND srandom /* that this doesn't need *strong* random */
#define RAND random /* numbers just to mix up port numbers!! */